Category: Food

Expert Talk: 8 Positive Changes You’ll Notice On Following A Protein-Rich Diet Plan

A Clinical Dietician discusses 8 positive changes you will experience when your diet is rich in proteins. Read on.

Buzz 46: 12 Foolproof Ways To Ensure Food Safety At Home

Here are 12 simple ways to ensure your food is safe for consumption at home. Read on.

Recipes 46: 5 Delicious Vegan Dishes Using Coconut Milk & Almond Milk

From coconut pudding to macaroons, cheeseckae, and even nankhatai, these vegan recipes are a must-try!

Buzz 46: Easy Tea Recipes & Their Health Benefits

Here are the health benefits of 5 popular varieties of tea in India & 5 easy recipes you can try out to alleviate various health concerns.

Pitta Dosha Daily Meal Plan Dos & Don’ts

Know about the dietary dos & don't of the pitta dosha diet plan, & follow the diet chart we've shared here.

Easy Brunch Recipes To Surprise Your Mum On Mother’s Day

Easy brunch food recipes and other brunch ideas you can take some inspiration from, for hosting a memorable Mother's Day for your mom.

6 Things You Should Look For In A Protein Bar Before Making It A Part Of Your Diet

For those looking a quick yet healthy on-the-go snack or a dash of energy after a strenuous workout, know how to choose the right protein bar that does its job well. 

7 Traditional Easter Desserts That You Need To Try This Year 

With Easter just around the corner, here are 6 easy yet yummy recipes that you can try your hand at.

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