Reiki is a form of complementary therapy involved with energy healing. It is believed to work with the energy fields around the body and is associated with the transfer of universal energy from the palm of the practitioner to that of the receiver. Reiki is a universal life force that flows through all beings. It is channelled from the source. It is pure energy that heals you. But there are some misconceptions about Reiki. These myths make people shun Reiki and stay away from it.
In collaboration with The Channel 46, Dr Karishma Shetty, Founder of Psychic Temples, busts the popular myths that plague Reiki and bring out its true essence.
Myth 1: Reiki Invokes Bad Energy & Negative Entities
People often believe that Reiki is some form of negative energy and negative entities are called upon while invoking it.
Truth: In reality, Reiki is the purest form of energy. It has its own intelligence. It flows to the point where it is needed. Even if someone tries to misuse it, Reiki will work for the highest good.
Myth 2: Reiki Doesn’t Work & It Is Just An Eyewash

Some people may have tried Reiki, but did not get the desired results. They spread the word that Reiki doesn’t work. It is just a means of fooling people and extracting money. But people often forget the essence of Reiki.
Truth: Reiki will help you manifest your wishes and desires only if it is aligned with the highest good of all. Selfish motives and evil desires will never ever manifest for you. One must also keep in mind that only those wishes that are aligned to your sole purpose will manifest through Reiki. So, one must have an open mind while opting for healing sessions.
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Myth 3: Reiki Practitioners Suffer Others’ Bad Karmas
This is absolutely a false statement.
Everyone is responsible for their own karmas. By no means can anyone else get affected by someone else’s karmas.
Truth: Everyone is responsible for their own karmas. By no means can anyone else get affected by someone else’s karmas. This myth is so deep-rooted that even some practitioners feel this way, convincing them to leave their practice. But, in reality, practitioners must properly ground and shield themselves before Reiki sessions. After each session, they must cleanse their aura and cut the cords with clients. This protects the energy of the healer and one can keep practising without any fear or misconception. So, it is high time to acknowledge Reiki and practice it without any prejudice.
Myth 4: Reiki Provides Quick Solution
Some people claim that Reiki works very quickly and it provides quick-fix solutions. They may have experienced this. But the ground reality is different.
Reiki doesn’t give quick results in all cases. It depends on your blocks and negativity accumulated over the years.
Truth: Reiki doesn’t give quick results in all cases. It depends on your blocks and negativity accumulated over the years. A happy, cheerful and confident person will not have much negativity accumulated within him. Maybe it took only a couple of sessions to produce the desired result. On the other hand, a depressed and fatigued person would require more sessions to get back on track. So, it differs from case to case.
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Myth 5: Practising Reiki Makes You The Magnet For Bad Energies
Some people feel that they are more vulnerable to negative energy after Reiki sessions. Even Reiki practitioners feel affected or attacked by negative entities, as mentioned previously. They put this entire blame on Reiki and often disengage from it.
In reality, Reiki cleanses you from within.
Truth: In reality, Reiki cleanses you from within. Some of your underlying issues will resurface. Unaddressed emotions and traumas will come back to you. It may cause emotional issues or outbursts of anger. Accept the fact that it is part of you and not some external force. Once you clean it up, you will feel relaxed and elevated. Talk to your healer or teacher if you are facing these issues.
Myth 6: Reiki Makes People Schizophrenic
Reiki works on your chakras and unlocks your hidden gifts.
Truth: Reiki works on your chakras and unlocks your hidden gifts. Some examples are clairvoyance (seeing images), clairaudience (hearing voices), clairsentience (recognising feelings) and claircognizance (knowing). It depends on your level of practice and dedication. Not everyone can have such qualities. These are not symptoms of schizophrenia. The universe gives it to those with some higher purpose in this lifetime.
7. People With Weak Mental Makeup Take Refuge In Reiki
This is the most common misconception around Reiki. Reiki is not for weaklings.
It is for those people who wish to rise above their sufferings.
Truth: It is for those people who wish to rise above their sufferings. It is meant for those who are in search of their sole purpose and wish to have a spiritual connection with the divine. Healing is just a small part of Reiki. It is much more than that. It wakes you up from the slumber of a monotonous routine and comfort zone. It inspires you to rise above your limitations.
8. Reiki Is For Housewives Without An Income
Reiki is for anyone who wants to explore it.
Truth: Reiki is for anyone who wants to explore it. It is not restricted to housewives or unemployed people. It is definitely a good source of income. But it is much more than that. Many people have left their successful corporate careers because they felt that Reiki is their true calling. They choose to help others and uplift the entire humanity.
Hence, one must always keep in mind that Reiki is pure energy that is channelled for the highest good. It doesn’t interfere with religion. Anyone can practise this without hurting their religious sentiments. Make sure you always talk to your healer or teacher in case of any dilemma.
May Reiki enlighten all!
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