Category: Fitness

How To Choose The Right Protein Bar To Supercharge Your Health (& Our Top Pick In The Segment)

Many studies suggest that Indians don’t meet their daily protein requirements per the global standard. Here's a protein bar that helps you get your daily dose the healthy way!

7 Simple Home Remedies To Treat Muscle Soreness & 8 Tips To Prevent It

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is actually quite common and refers to the burning pain you feel in your muscles shortly after a workout. Here's how you can help alleviate your pain.

How Too Much Or Too Little Exercise Affects Your Fertility

Women dealing with fertility issues are often advised to change their lifestyle and the first step in that direction is weight reduction. However, too much exercise can prove to be counterproductive. To talk about the same we are joined by, Dr. Apurva Satish Amarnath is a Fertility Consultant at Nova IVF Fertility, Bangalore.

10 Yoga Exercises To Increase Focus & Harness The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

How many times have you heard the saying “live life in the moment”? Now that sounds great, but how does one live each moment to the fullest? If you want to learn how to improve your focus, we at TC46 spoke with Supriya Baikerikar, a certified yoga instructor on improving one's focus through yoga.

How To Go Gluten-Free With An Indian Diet

Are you wanting to change your diet, but are confused about which one will actually work and is the best way for you to reach your fitness goals? We at TC46 have got you covered. We spoke to Ms Minal Shah, Senior Nutrition Therapist, Fortis Hospital, Mulund to answer some of your queries about being Gluten Free.

Morning Meditation To Energise Your Day

The significance of morning meditation is evident throughout Indian history. Here are 5 types of meditative practices that you can adopt in your everyday life.

Healthy Choices 101: Workout, Yoga Asanas & Food Swaps That Can Make A Big Difference To Your Weight

If weight loss is your new health goal, then you’re at the right place! Here is your guide to the switches you need to make in your everyday life to maintain your health.

Does Face Yoga Really Work? Try These 5 Asanas & See The Results

Wondering why everyone is jumping on the face yoga bandwagon? Give this natural face sculpting trend a try.

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