LifeTC46 Tarotscope: July 2022 Predictions For The 12 Zodiac Signs

TC46 Tarotscope: July 2022 Predictions For The 12 Zodiac Signs

The tarot refers to a pack of cards that are played with to predict the future. It is believed to date back to the mid-15th century, having its roots in different parts of Europe. However, it was not before the late 18th century that some tarot decks started being used for divination through tarot card reading. As a result, custom decks began to be developed for occult purposes. With time, tarot card reading took various forms, one of the most popular being tarot predictions based on numerology. 

In collaboration with The Channel 46, Dr Karishma Shetty, Founder of Psychic Temples, throws light on tarot predictions based on numerology for July 2022 for all the 12 signs of the zodiac. 

1. Aries

The divine power is helping you via other people, to the degree that you’ll allow this assistance to occur. You need to be more willing to ask for guidance especially within the context of your love life. For instance, discuss your feelings, hopes and dreams. Then allow others to help you. Perhaps they’ll offer support, give advice or even help you find a potential romantic partner. You’d benefit from spending quality time with your friends.

2. Taurus

It’s time to move forward in your life. If you haven’t been feeling well, problems with your physical health are imminent. Take care of your body. Attend whatever you’ve started. This is the perfect time to get more spiritually inclined. Meditate often.

3. Gemini

Take time to observe the mysteries around you and within you, such as your dreams and intentions. Your intuition is strong at this point. Connect to your emotions. Remember to extend compassion to yourself and others. Unlock and enhance communication with your beloved. You are receiving help with the changes in your life on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

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4. Cancer

You may be feeling trapped at this point. You’ve relinquished control over someone else or feel smothered in your career or relationship. You must allow yourself to feel deep emotions. In doing so, you may come up against areas of your life where you harbour discontent. As you commit to taking back control of your life, your feelings will naturally thaw and re-awaken. This will lead to a greater capacity to love yourself, your partner and all around you.

5. Leo

You need to move your body, expressing your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical self. Sway gracefully or just jump around. Dancing or any other body movement is the universal language of the body that allows you to balance your chakras, release pent up emotions, and give an outlet of joy. Discover and pay attention to the messages your body is giving to you and to others through movement.

6. Virgo

Take a moment to see the truth about a person or a situation that you’ve been hiding from yourself. You’re in denial of certain feelings and emotions. Tune in to your honest feelings. Take time to view this situation from a different angle or perspective. The universe will reveal what’s real in your relationship and circumstances. The beauty you see around is a reflection of you. See the innocence within yourself.

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7. Libra

Trust your instincts and ability to know, see, feel, and hear the messages that are coming to you from the Divine. Premonitions are to be respected. They might come to you through symbolic messages or intuitive feelings. You are being prepared for an event that is about to occur, unless you change your course of action – there is no fixed destined outcome. Stay present. Be in the here and now. Live in the moment. Use your imagination to actively create and shape your future.

8. Scorpio

During this week, you should spend a lot of time outdoors. The fresh air will help you clear your thoughts and emotions, and the natural setting will relax your body and mind. This will reduce your stress and worry and allow you to manifest your desires. A spiritual awakening is indicated. You may also travel.

9. Sagittarius

Forgiveness can work miracles. When you release the past, a weight is lifted off your shoulders and a sense of freedom washes over you. Let go of your pain and sadness caused by others so that you can be free. You may also need to forgive yourself. It is time to let go of any guilt that you’re holding regarding past mistakes. Give yourself credit for having tried your best, even if the results weren’t what you would have liked. Focus on the changes you have made since then that have made you a better person.

10. Capricorn

Take care of your inner child by playing and having fun. Spend time with children as they have the power to heal. The people around you, your family, and friends are all being looked after. There is nothing to worry about. Good news in terms of pregnancy, birth, or adoption may be on its way.

11. Aquarius

Your love life needs a healthy infusion of honest conversation. You’ve been harbouring emotions that are masking your feelings of love. There’s still time to heal the situation, although it will require effort on your part. You may need to initiate an uncomfortable discussion and risk upsetting your partner. However, an honest heart to heart conversation is absolutely necessary now.

12. Pisces

There is divine power within you. You have all you will ever need inside of you. You are a spark from the Divine source, a child of Divine love and light. Surrender to the divine guidance that is bringing you small glimpses of understanding. A very significant transformation is taking place right now. This is the time to meditate, reflect and pray.

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