Category: Health

Expert Talk: Clinical Psychologist Deekshaa Athwani Shares 10 Things You Need To Know About Burnout

Have you felt stressed out, emotional and physically drained of all energy and unable to meet basic but constant demands? There is a high chance that you are experiencing burn out. Here are 10 things you need to know about burnout.

Expert Talk: Lactation Consultant Arushi Agrawal Shares 10 Food Rules To Follow When You Are Breastfeeding

You know breast milk is the best food for your baby, but what about your own diet while breastfeeding? Here is expert advice on foods to eat and avoid to keep your body strong while you're breastfeeding.

Surya Namaskar: An Effective Holistic At-Home Workout

Know more about the intricate techniques of performing Suryanamaskar, its advantages, its positive effects on one’s mental health and also the different variations of Surya Namaskar.

Expert Talk: Paediatrician Dr Santosh Kumar Shares Developmental Milestones In Your Child Before The First Birthday

Are you worried your child is missing milestones? Here is some expert advice on recognizing your child’s developmental milestones and help them along the way.

Expert Talk: Maternal and Fetal Medicine Specialist Dr Hemavathi Srinivasan On The Impact Of Endometriosis On The Health Of Women

Endometriosis was not spoken about enough. But now, more women than ever are speaking about their experiences of endometriosis. Here is some expert advice on dealing with this condition and getting it diagnosed sooner rather than later.

Video: 5 Ways To Deal With Excess Hair Growth Caused By PCOS

PCOS leads to excess body hair. To remove body hair is the choice that you must make. If you want to get rid of the hair, here are some ways you can do it.

The Hymen Quiz: Can You Guess Which Is The Truth & What’s A Myth?

With all the hymen talk floating around, can you figure out which statement is the truth and which is not?

Expert Talk: Nutritionist Minal Shah Explains The Correlation Between Alcohol & Weight Loss

Heavy drinking, irrespective of the type of drink, leads to weight gain and hampers weight loss. Here is some expert advice on the correlation between alcohol and weight gain.

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