HealthMental Health12 Small Changes That Can Make A Big Difference To Your Health

12 Small Changes That Can Make A Big Difference To Your Health

You might already know this but old habits die hard. And in order to lead a better, healthier and fuller life, you need to let go of things that hold you down. The importance of this aspect of life is such that every year April 7th is observed as World Health Day across the globe. One of the aims of celebrating this day is to teach people how to improve health and sensitise them about various health issues. 

The choices you make on a daily basis have an impact on whether you maintain your vibrancy as you get older and develop health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and stroke. You’ve already heard this about a dozen times, but you can eliminate those hurdles by getting proper nutrition, exercising, and maintaining a good routine.

But here’s the thing, you never really stick to them. ‘Go big or go home does not apply here (thank God). If you want to learn how to improve immunity and improve mental health to lead a better life, read on.

12 Ways To Improve Health

Here are 12 healthy lifestyle tips and lifestyle modifications you can make in your life today and improve your overall health.

1. Set Daily Happiness Goals

Measure your day in terms of happiness rather than productivity, like Rancho’s mantra of “Success Ke Peeche Mat Bhago, Excellence Ka Peecha Karo, Success Jhak Maarke Tumhare Peeche Ayegi ”.

You’ve heard about daily to-do lists, now hear about daily happiness goals. Create small goals like complimenting your friend, doing something that brings you joy: painting, reading etc. Measure your day in terms of happiness rather than productivity, like Rancho’s mantra of “Success Ke Peeche Mat Bhago, Excellence Ka Peecha Karo, Success Jhak Maarke Tumhare Peeche Ayegi ”. Exactly like that, strive to find happiness in your life and your productivity will boost as well. 

2. Switch Your Candies With Fruit

Switch Your Candies With Fruit As A Healthy Alternative

If you have a sweet tooth and always have candy within an arm’s distance, here’s an easier way for you to reduce all the artificial sugar you’re consuming. Fruits are naturally sweet but you’ll also be filling your body with all the good vitamins. Grapes, strawberries and oranges are some good options. 

3. Drink Your Coffee Black

When you minus the sugar, milk, cream and all the added flavourings going into your morning cup, you’ll be directly reducing the calories you intake. 

Nothing like a good strong cup of coffee to kick start your day (or night) work sessions right? And it’s absolutely okay to drink coffee, in moderation though. When you minus the sugar, milk, cream and all the added flavourings going into your morning cup, you’ll be directly reducing the calories you intake. 

4. Workout While Working

If you’re lazy and always give up exercising after one week of passionate workouts, here’s a way to incorporate some exercise while you go about your daily tasks. 

  • Stand on one leg while brushing (helps you with body balance).
  • Grove while typing on your computer (small movements throughout lead to large calorie burning)
  • Park your car a bit farther to get some walking in your routine
  • Dance around while doing house chores (turn your ghar ke kam into ghar ka jam)

5. Spread Health On Your Bread

You should try healthier alternatives like avocado, mashed up bananas, homemade peanut butter to elevate your normal toast to super hero toast. 

This is how you can improve your immunity. If you like to spread generous amounts of butter and jams in your extravagant breakfast bread, here’s a little tip to switch up the spreads a few days a week. You should try healthier alternatives like avocado, mashed up bananas, and homemade peanut butter to elevate your normal toast to superhero toast. 

6. Invest Time In Learning

Invest Time In Learning As A Small Change To Improve Your Health

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death” Who said that? Elbert Einstein. The day we stop learning we stop growing. If you’re a student you’ve already got this under your belt. But if you’re not, make a note to dedicate a small portion of your day to learning. It could be a skill, language or learning more about your profession. There are so many free online resources available today, all that knowledge is just a click away. This is one of the best healthy lifestyle tips out there for you to include in your life. 

7. Don’t Be A Hungry Shopper

Always do your food shopping after a good meal and your stomach full to avoid spending more money and saving on calories (win-win).

Want to know how to improve immunity power with a simple trick. Check your grocery bag,  do you find it loaded with chips, chocolates, fast food and unnecessary food items that you’re probably better off without? It might be because you’re hungry while shopping at the grocery store. Studies have shown that hungry shoppers reach for more high calories and tempting foods. Always do your food shopping after a good meal and your stomach full to avoid spending more money and saving on calories (win-win).

8. Detaching Weekends From Socials

Occasionally detaching yourself from the internet will help reach a state of peace

Here’s some homework for you next Sunday. Turn off your phone for an hour. Turn off the WiFi, and delete apps if your hands itch too much to reach out to social media. Spend that hour doing things you’d normally do with your phone on, go for a walk, read a book, do chores, anything! Occasionally detaching yourself from the internet will help reach a state of peace (partial if not complete).

9. Be Your Skin’s Best Friend

Drink sufficient water and pamper yourself with homemade masks.

In our rush to go on with life, we often forget to pamper and take care of our skin. One way to solve this problem is by creating a small skincare routine to follow every morning or night. Invest in a good sunscreen and moisturiser. You’ll be thankful in the long run. Drink sufficient water and pamper yourself with homemade masks. You can use haldi, dahi, fruits, etc.

Read Janhvi Kapoor’s Skin & Hair Care Secrets

10. Dental Health Care

To ensure your teeth and oral hygiene is at its A game, brush your teeth twice everyday.

Your mouth is the gateway to your body, all the food and drinks enter your body via your mouth. And that means the bad guys are pouring in too. To ensure your teeth and oral hygiene is at their A-game, brush your teeth twice every day. Floss and use mouthwash occasionally. Beware of acidic food items and maintain this routine every day. Visit your dentist annually twice for regular checkups.

11. Podcasts While Commuting

There are thousands of podcasts out there on every topic you can imagine; audiobook summaries, true crime, positivity, history, endless options to suit your interest.

Is your office or college far from home? More importantly, do you spend this time commuting scrolling through Instagram and Facebook? Utilise this time by listening to podcasts. There are thousands of podcasts out there on every topic you can imagine; audiobook summaries, true crime, positivity, history, and endless options to suit your interest. Kill two birds with one stone by listening to an educational and fun podcast to enrich your day without really going out of your way to fit the learning time into your schedule.

12. Sleep On Time Every. Single. Night.

Try cutting out your night hours one by one, gradually working your way up to at least 6-7 hours of sleep every day.

Binge-watching an entire season of Stranger Things in one night sounds right up your alley, right? Although sometimes you deserve that much-needed break, repeating it every night disrupts your natural body clock and leaves you feeling lethargic all day. Try cutting out your night hours one by one, gradually working your way up to at least 6-7 hours of sleep every day.

5 Ways To Improve Mental Health

Along with your physical health, taking care of your mental health is just as important so here are some tips on how to improve mental health.

  1. Talk about your feelings with family and friends
  2. Keep in touch with your old friends or your favourite relatives
  3. Learn to say no without feeling guilty
  4. It’s okay to ask for help when you’re facing a problem
  5. Take much-needed breaks from time to time

Read Up On Mental Health Diet, By Nutritionist Rasika

Healthy living is embracing the small things that energise and excite you on a regular basis, as well as developing lifelong habits that promote and enhance your health. Everyone’s definition of a healthy lifestyle is different. This means how and when you employ any of these 12 lifestyle modifications above in your life will be determined by your individual health needs, surroundings, and life circumstances.

Take each day as it comes to #BeALittleMore striving toward a healthier mindset, and you’ll find that the small, positive modifications you’ve been making everyday build-up to big results! Comment down below small healthy lifestyle tips you found in your life that lead to a happier, healthier and overall improved life.

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