LifeFood10 Refreshing Iced Tea Recipes You'll Love This Summer

10 Refreshing Iced Tea Recipes You’ll Love This Summer

Summer has arrived and for people all around the country, this means the time to bear the brunt of the scorching summer sun. Sweat is going to be a companion for the months to come and most of us, especially those with jobs that require travelling, are going to have a tough time handling the super-hot climate of the outdoors. In addition to air conditioners, cold beverages are going to be our best friends to get through the long days of blazing heat. As the cravings for cold treats and beverages increase, iced teas become a go-to drink for many. This chilled version of chai is not only soothing and hydrating but also is low on calories compared to many other summer coolers.

Benefits Of Drinking Iced Tea

Iced teas are packed with antioxidants and are low on sodium and preservatives making them a great choice of drink. Tea is also great at controlling stress. It has been noted that people who consume tea regularly have lower levels of stress. It also helps prevent heart and kidney problems. Finally, iced tea also has manganese in it. This is a mineral essential for increasing metabolism and strengthening teeth and bones. 

10 Easy-To-Make Iced Tea Recipes That Are Perfect To Beat The Summer Heat

Iced teas not only satisfy your cold cravings in the summers but also keep you healthy and protected. In this article, you will discover the 10 most popular iced tea recipes that can be prepared quickly and are extremely refreshing.

1. Green Iced Tea

Preparation time: 10 minutes


  • 10 cups of water
  • 5 bags of green tea
  • 1 full lemon
  • A few ice cubes
  • Sugar (if needed)


  1. Boil water and put the green tea bags to it after removing it from over the heat.
  2. Allow the tea to brew for at least 5 to 7 minutes.
  3. Pour the tea into a glass and add ice cubes to it to let it rest.
  4. Squeeze the lemon juice out into this glass of cooled-down green tea.
  5. Add more water and sugar as per your taste preferences.
  6. Add some more ice cubes to the drink and serve the tea for a refreshing experience.

2. Greek Frappe

Preparation time: 5-10 minutes


  • 2 tbsp of instant tea
  • Sugar to taste
  • 1 tbsp of cold water
  • A cup of cold milk or water
  • A jar with a tight fit lid


  1. Put the tea powder and 1 tbsp of cold water in a tight jar.
  2. Shake this mix heavily till a very foamy mixture is formed.
  3. Next, pour out this foamy mixture into a chilled glass.
  4. Top this mixture off with a cup of water or milk and your satisfying glass of greek frappe is ready to be enjoyed.

3. Coconut Lemon Iced Tea 

Preparation time: 3-4 hours


  • 2 bags of black tea
  • Hot coconut water
  • Sugar or honey to taste
  • Lemon slice


  1. Heat up the coconut water but not boil it down.
  2. Add a slice of lemon to the heated water.
  3. Add the 2 bags of black tea to this water and let it brew.
  4. Now add sugar or honey as required.
  5. Let this mixture infuse for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator before you enjoy it on a hot summer day.

4. Ginger & Peach Iced Tea

Preparation time: 20-30 minutes


  • 2 green tea bags
  • 4 coins of ginger
  • 1 sliced peach
  • 3 cups of hot water
  • Honey or sugar as required
  • 1 mason jar


  1. Add the green tea bags along with slices of peach to a mason jar.
  2. Also, add the ginger coins to the jar. You can skewer these to make them easily removable later.
  3. Pour the hot water into this jar and leave it aside for 15 minutes to let the tea brew. You can also add in sugar or honey at the stage as required or leave it out completely.
  4. Next, remove the tea bags and refrigerate the mix or add ice cubes to it to serve cold.

5. Blackberry & Mint Iced Tea

Preparation time: 20-30 minutes


  • Half cup of fresh blackberries
  • 6 fresh mint leaves
  • 2 green tea bags
  • 3 cups of heated water
  • Honey or sugar as required


  1. Pour hot water into a cup or jar or mason jar and add the green tea bags to let the tea brew.
  2. While it brews, add the blackberries and fresh mint leaves and let the flavours infuse.
  3. Allow this mix to combine for 15 minutes and remove the tea bags. You can add the sugar or honey as per liking or leave it out before you cool down the mix.
  4. Chill the mixture and serve as needed.

6. Chamomile, Orange & Strawberry Iced Tea

Preparation time: 12 – 24 hours


  • 6 strawberries (cut into half)
  • 2 juice orange slice (peeled and seeded)
  • 4 tsps of honey
  • 4 tsps of hot water
  • 1.5 cups of room temperature water
  • 1 bag of chamomile tea


  1. Place the tea bag and room temperature water in a glass or mason jar.
  2. To this add 2 orange slices and 6 strawberries (cut into half).
  3. Cover the container and let it infuse for 12-24 hours.
  4. Remove tea bags from the jar and add honey and 4 tsps of hot water to this mix.
  5. Refrigerate or add ice and enjoy your flavorful homemade iced tea.

7. Pomegranate & Lemon Iced Tea

Preparation time: 15 -20 minutes


  • 8 tea bags
  • 2 cups of pomegranate juice
  • 3 limes (sliced)
  • Sugar as required
  • 8 cups of boiling water


  1. Pour the water into a pitcher and add the tea bags. Let the tea brew
  2. Once brewed remove the bags and lime slices
  3. Also, add the pomegranate juice to this cooled down mix
  4. Add the sugar as per your liking and add in some ice to cool down the mix before you enjoy it on a summer day at the beach

8. Basil & Watermelon Iced Tea

Preparation time: 15 -20 minutes


  • 8 tea bags
  • 1 bunch of basil sprigs
  • 8 cups of boiling water
  • Medium-sized watermelon cut into small triangles


  1. Pour the boiling water and tea bags to a pitcher and let the tea brew for about 10 minutes.
  2. Remove the bags and let the tea cool down.
  3. Next, add watermelon, basil and sugar (if any) to the mix and let it cool down.
  4. Add ice or refrigerate before serving this refreshing tea drink.

9. Lemongrass Iced Tea

Preparation time: 15-20 minutes


  • 1 litre cooled lemongrass brew
  • 1 litre cooled green tea
  • 1 tbsp of lemon juice (or as required to taste)
  • Half cup sugar syrup (or as required to taste)


  1. Pour the cooled tea and lemongrass brews in a pitcher and stir.
  2. To this add the sugar syrup and mix to ensure a complete blend of all 3 liquids.
  3. To this add the tablespoon of lemon juice. Keep tasting and add more juice as required.
  4. Add ice to this concoction and stir it to chill before you serve it.

10. Thai Iced Tea

Preparation time: 15-20 minutes


  • 2 tbsp of black tea
  • 1 star anise (chakr phool)
  • 1 pod of cardamom (elaichi)
  • Half a cinnamon stick (dalchini) (optional)
  • â…› vanilla bean (optional)
  • 1 cup of boiling water
  • 1 tbsp of sugar (or to taste)
  • 1 tbsp of sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 tsp of evaporated/coconut/whole milk
  • Tamarind powder to taste (imli) (optional)
  • ¼ almond extract (optional)


  1. Pour the water and tea into a vessel.
  2. Add the star anise, cardamom, cinnamon stick, vanilla bean, tamarind powder and almond extract to this mix and let the tea brew for about 5 minutes.
  3. Strain out the tea and other pods and sticks from the mix.
  4. To this flavorful concoction add condensed milk and sugar and stir till both dissolves.
  5. Add this tea to a glass and add the evaporated/coconut/whole milk to it.
  6. Lastly, pour in some ice cubes to make the tea nice and cold to beat the summer hues.

These amazing iced tea recipes are great to help you cool down on a hot summer day outdoors. While most people have been hooked to lemon iced tea and peach iced tea, the recipes mentioned here are just as delicious. So shake, stir, and sip some refreshing iced tea this summer.

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