WorkEntrepreneurshipVideo: 5 Lucrative Part-Time Business Ideas For Stay-At-Home Moms

Video: 5 Lucrative Part-Time Business Ideas For Stay-At-Home Moms

‘Working for someone else will never make you rich’ is a popular mantra. And who doesn’t want to be their own boss? A part-time venture is a perfect opportunity for moms anywhere and everywhere. It offers flexibility and is free from corporate drama! Take a look at some of the most lucrative business ideas for stay-at-home moms.

5 Ways To Improve Your Work-Life Balance

As women, we are constantly trying to juggle work and home which leads to fatigue and burnout. Learning how to maintain work-life balance can be tricky, but isn’t impossible. So, while we understand you can’t completely ignore work calls and emails after working hours, there are some realistic ways to make time for both your professional and personal life. 

1. Learn To Say No

Work-life balance for women must begin with learning how to set priorities and say no to unimportant tasks. Plan your weekly calendar by clearing the clutter and freeing up time in your life. This will help you achieve peace of mind and improve your mental stamina.

2. Take Care Of Your Health

The first thing to be ignored is your health when your schedule gets too busy. You may cancel your exercise session, skip breakfast, keep long gaps between meals, forget to hydrate, overload on coffee, or even stay up night after night, working on the computer in the dark. This can affect your physical and mental health greatly and cause long-term problems. Be sure to make time for your health, even if it means moderating your daily workload, putting reminders on your phone to eat, drink, sleep at specific  3 times, and taking 10 minute-walks every 3 hours (you could simply catch up on work calls while you walk).

3. Unplug From Tech

Have a strict deadline and unplug from work devices after a certain time. Learn how to differentiate between urgent and important. While you can respond to an office call or mail that’s urgent, discuss with your employer that this should be the exception and not the norm. Choose not to answer emails and calls during family time and weekends. You can also use meditation apps like Calm to destress and relax at the end of the day.

4. Enjoy Weekends & Vacations

Most people postpone using their vacation days and think they will travel and relax after retirement. With proper planning, the worry of having a huge workload when you return can be avoided. Plan something special for weekends like visiting the beach or going for dinner. Short weekend getaways are a great alternative to long vacations that need a lot of planning and may never happen.

5. Outsource Chores

Knowing how to maintain work-life balance requires a bit of creativity. With the rise of online shopping, you can order groceries and other household essentials online. This will save precious time spent driving to and fro from the supermarket. If possible, hire someone to outsource certain household chores like dusting and cleaning. 

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