HealthSexHas The Lockdown Put A Lockdown On Your Sex Life? Here’s How...

Has The Lockdown Put A Lockdown On Your Sex Life? Here’s How Couples Can Fix It

The pandemic has taken a major toll on the sex lives of a ton of people. Just like the everyday lives have been altered, couples are noticing their intimate relationships flagging. Initially, the pandemic did give couples the opportunity to connect and engage in intimacy due to the lack of out-of-house commitments and travelling. As the pandemic wore on, however, it began to take its toll on intimate relationships and for several couples, sexual desire kind of took a nosedive.

Top Causes For A Lowered Sex Drive During The Pandemic

1. Stress & Anxiety

The times we’re living in are stressful. And pandemic stress is not similar to other types of stress. Survival stress in the form of financial and health concerns has a negative effect on your body’s ability or interest in reproducing.

2. Spending Too Much Time Together

If you and your partner went from spending 10-12 hours together every day to being together 24×7, it might have affected your sex life. You can lose out on the excitement of seeing each other at the end of the day. Not to forget that there are so many more opportunities to get on each other’s nerves.

3. Change In Habits & Lifestyle

Due to the lockdown and restrictions in place, many have seen changes in their exercise routine and eating habits. Gyms, fitness studios and restaurants are closed to ensure social distancing and that has certainly affected lifestyles. 

4. Increased Smoking & Drinking

To cope with the pandemic, many upped their intake of alcohol and started smoking frequently. Excessive alcohol and substance use has proven to decrease libido.

5. Reproductive Precautions

Lack of access to safer sex tools and reproductive health services is a real problem during the pandemic. The fear of getting pregnant and the inability to see your gynaecologist as and when you please can hinder your sex life.

5 Ways To Up The Sex Factor In Spite Of The Pandemic

1. Talk It Out

The absence of sex in a relationship can just be a result of a lack of communication. If the lack of sexual intimacy and decreased frequency with sex bothers you, it’s time to talk about it with your partner. Couples need to talk about sex — not once, not twice, but continually as things change in their life, whether because of kids, work or financial stress, illness, ageing. 

If sex matters to you and you expect it in your romantic relationship, there’s only one way to know if your partner’s on the same page as you are — talk about it and come to some agreement and continue to talk about it. Who knows, they might be missing it more than you do!

2. Make Sex-Time A Must

For couples with busy routines, it can be difficult to get enough before and after time when the urge arises. Stealing a little time here and there can interrupt your concentration and result in a bad experience because you were stressing about other work during sex. 

There is nothing un-sexy about scheduling a time for having sex. It will rather help to be mentally prepared and throw away other stressful thoughts for that time. You will be happier and be able to last longer than when you were stressed and couldn’t keep at it. If you are working from home, take breaks, try a new position and in a new place to keep the romance alive. 

3. Try New Positions & Sexual Acts

Stress and sexless relationships are more connected than you think. Couples need to realize that there are an infinite variety of ways to delight a partner that doesn’t depend on an erect penis or vaginal penetration. Here’s a list of the best sex positions for women to achieve climax.

Sex is a lot about thoroughly enjoying the intimacy and you can try a multitude of stimulation types including toys and oral sex to spice up the routine! While penetration practically cannot last for too long, the foreplay and after play last much longer and are more important for an emotionally and physically fulfilling experience for both. Learn how to sustain the excitement, put sex back on the table, and maybe even and some spice in your love life here.

4. Indulge In Date Nights

Who says living together ends the need to date each other? Romance needs effort and the passion to keep wooing your partner is what will help you reignite your libido. Proposing a date or an activity may be the key to reigniting your relationship and naturally segue into helpful conversations for each other. The solution to a sexless life is to create and build up intimacy in varied ways. When intimacy withdrawal comes from timing and availability, sometimes the best answer is to just make time. Even if you have a family to take care of or kids to raise, you can still spend quality time with your partner, here are some tips.

5. Seduce Your Partner

Saying “I want you now” out loud to your partner can be intimidating. But sending a flirty text or even a letter can be your way of initiating sex. Even if you are sitting in different rooms of the same house. Rubbing his feet with yours or kissing his neck might not always do the trick. As long term relationships progress, couples often don’t compliment each other. This stagnation period of courting and seducing can affect your sex life. Take charge and tell him he looks great today. Notice changes and compliment him on the same. If talking is not your forte and you feel shy, you can use alternate options. There are tons of adult games like dice, cards and so much more available. Learn how to initiate sex with your partner with minimal words here.

There are many health benefits, both physical and mental, to engage in regular sexual activity. Sex can be an important component of a couple’s life, especially during these stressful times. Take a chance, reinvent your sex life, let your fantasies play and let your libido take over!

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