HealthFitness5 Safe Exercises During Pregnancy

5 Safe Exercises During Pregnancy

Regular exercise during pregnancy is recommended by most doctors today. Unlike many misconceptions, complete rest or the idea of sitting idle would cause other health problems and make your gestational period more uncomfortable. For any normal pregnancy, exercising is safe and even necessary. Some forms of physical activity increase stamina and reduce backache and fatigue, which are some common problems faced by women during this period. 

Must Know Benefits Of Pregnancy Exercises

  • Constipation, bloating, backaches are a part of some issues women face during pregnancy. Regular physical activity helps combat these issues. 
  • Practice exercising during pregnancy to get better sleep.
  • One of the most important benefits of exercise during pregnancy is the ability to cope better with labour.
  • It leads to an overall increase in stamina and muscle strength.

Precautions While Exercising During Pregnancy

Safety comes first and foremost when you’re looking for the right pregnancy exercises. The body’s capacity and flexibility will depend on the level of activity one was engaged in before getting pregnant. 

Doing exercise during pregnancy will make a huge difference. But before starting with any form of pregnancy exercise, consult with the doctor to check the kind of physical exertion your body might be capable of taking. Deciding a workout schedule and style based on that is important. 

5 Simple Exercises To Do During Pregnancy

Depending on the level of physical activity that one has before getting pregnant, women can practice certain pregnancy exercises at home. Most of the prenatal exercises focus on opening up the pelvic floor muscles to ease the pain of labour during delivery.

1. Walking

Walking During Pregnancy

The most reliable and safest form of exercise is walking. It is ideal for people who generally lead an idle lifestyle. It is also a great starting point. Given its low impact, walking is safe for the joints and requires no special equipment. When starting, a quick 20-minute walk can be gradually increased by 5 or 10 minutes increments. 

2. Swimming

Swimming For Pregnant Women

Swimming is another low impact form of aerobic exercise for pregnant women which, when done in moderation, can be quite stress-relieving. The feeling of being in a pool is quite different and light. It reduces feet swelling and keeps the body cool. Women who report nausea during the first trimester are also reported to feel better when spending time in the pool. Basic precautions such as not jumping or diving into the pool must be taken. Apart from these, any discomfort, pain, contractions, bleeding or similar symptoms must be taken seriously, and any further such movement should stop. 

3. Yoga

Yoga For Healthy Pregnancy

Prenatal yoga is gaining popularity in recent times. There are prenatal yoga poses modified and scaled down for every trimester and can be done under the guidance of a certified yoga practitioner. Yoga, hence, forms the crux of wholesome pregnancy exercises. Some of the asanas discussed below can be done during pregnancy to reduce labour pain and increase muscle strength and endurance.

Baddha Konasana

Start by sitting with your feet together, and knees opened towards either side, trying to touch the ground. Keep lengthening the spine, press the heels together and keep the leg and knee muscles active. 

The pose must be practised while keeping the spine and core straight and upright. It is important to also keep breathing and have a relaxed face. 

This asana opens the pelvic muscles and hips, making it an easier process during delivery. 

Cat-Cow Pose

The pose begins with hands and knees planted firmly on the ground. With every exhalation, you curve your spine looking downward and arch your back looking upward as you inhale. The stretch on the spine relieves the back muscles. 

 The asana also works as a great warm-up stretch before beginning with the other poses. 

Child’s Pose

From a cross-legged position, stretch your arms out to widen and sit on your knees. Place the palms in front of the head and gently walk it forward while exhaling. the Child’s pose is very relaxing and recommended by most who have done similar prenatal classes before. 

4. Sitting Side Stretch 

Sitting Side Stretch For Pregnant Women

Another pose aimed at opening the pelvis and stretching out the hips, the sitting side stretch can be done even as your belly grows further beyond 30 weeks. You start with keeping a straight spine and legs wide apart. The left knee is then folded to let the heel sit snugly towards the right buttock. The left palm is then stretched over the head and attempt to touch the toe, and the right arm reaches out straight for the balls of the right foot. It gives a good stretch to the inner thighs as well. 

5. Deep Squat

Deep Squat During Pregnancy

Deep squats require supervision by a trainer. This is a very good form and a recommended exercise for normal delivery. This stretches out the pelvic floor muscles and the perineum. 

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is physical exercise recommended for all pregnant women?

A. Ideally, physical exercise for pregnant women is necessary. However, some women with complicated pregnancies or other health conditions need to take extra precautions.  

Q. I did not have an active lifestyle before pregnancy. What exercises can I do?

A. For people who did not have an active physical lifestyle should start slow and take it easy so that it does not cause unnecessary soreness. Try being more active around the house by taking up more household chores as part of the daily routine.

Q. How long into the gestational period should you continue exercise?

A. For any normal pregnancy, it is alright to continue exercising during pregnancy right till delivery, depending on your physical conditions. There might be variations and scaled-down versions of various exercises as you begin the third trimester and start growing big.

Q. The body changes during pregnancy. How does it affect your physical capacity?

A. Pregnancy brings about a major change in a woman’s body, and these changes will also affect how one’s body reacts to exercise stress. Therefore adjusting work routines or activities is necessarily based on how you feel on a particular day. There is extra weight, ligaments stretch, new hormones and so much more that need to be taken into account. 

Q. How much is too much?

A. It is natural to be apprehensive of trying to do exercise poses during your pregnancy, wondering how much is too much. Everyone knows their own body the best, and if at any point any exercise feels like overstretching or beyond one’s limit, one should stop. No exercise form is important enough to put your life or the baby’s life at risk. Symptoms like dizziness, vaginal bleeding, chest pain, painful contractions are all serious issues that must not be ignored. This is also why a doctor’s consultation every trimester is necessary to make sure one doesn’t don’t overdo anything.

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