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All You Need To Know About World Food Day!


World Food Day is an international event celebrated every year, on October 16th. Dedicated to raising awareness and taking action against global hunger and food insecurity, this day promotes and encourages efforts to ensure food security and nutritious diets for everyone

This day also emphasizes the importance of eradicating hunger, supporting sustainable agriculture, and promoting food security policies. Many events, activities, and initiatives are organised worldwide to mark this day and inspire individuals and communities to contribute to the fight against hunger and malnutrition.

World Food Day History

The World Food Day history starts on October 16, 1945, when the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations was founded. During the FAO’s General Conference, the idea of creating a day like this was thought of in 1979. And ever since then, it is celebrated every year on October 16th.

While their main goal was to raise awareness about global hunger, and the importance of food security, this day is also a platform to fight hunger and malnutrition, promote sustainable agriculture practices, and even address the challenges faced by farmers worldwide!

World Food Day Significance

International Food Day is extremely important in the fight against global hunger and malnutrition. It’s a reminder that the right to food is a fundamental right, and focuses on how we all need to be responsible and take action to ensure food security for everybody.

This day holds the government, many organisations, and people all importance all over the world accountable and encourages them to take action and work toward a future where every person has access to enough, safe, and nutritious food.

8 World Food Day Facts You Should Know

Here are some interesting World Food Day facts:

1. Theme

Each year, World Food Day is celebrated on October 16 and has a specific theme to raise awareness about various food-related issues. Themes often revolve around hunger, poverty, agriculture, and nutrition, and for the year 2023, the theme is “Water is life, water is food.”

2. Purpose

World Food Day is celebrated to promote awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and to ensure food security and nutritious diets for all.

3. Inception

World Food Day was established by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in 1945. It became an annual event in 1981.

4. Global Hunger

Despite the world producing enough food, millions of people still suffer from chronic hunger. World Food Day aims to highlight the need to address global hunger and malnutrition.

All You Need To Know About World Food Day!

5. Zero Hunger Challenge

The Zero Hunger Challenge is a key initiative supported by World Food Day. It envisions a world where every individual has access to nutritious food and where food systems are sustainable.

6. Agriculture Focus

World Food Day emphasizes the importance of agriculture and farmers in providing food for the world. It promotes sustainable agricultural practices and supports smallholder farmers.

7. Food Waste Awareness

One of the significant issues highlighted on World Food Day is food wastage. Approximately one-third of the food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally.

8. Global Events

Various events are organized worldwide on World Food Day, including seminars, discussions, rallies, and food drives. These events aim to educate people and mobilize action against hunger.

World Food Day Celebration

Here are five common ways World Food Day is celebrated in India:

1. Awareness Campaigns:

Various organisations, NGOs, and government bodies in India conduct awareness campaigns on World Food Day. They organize seminars, workshops, and public events to educate people about the importance of food security, nutrition, and sustainable agriculture practices.

2. Food Drives and Distribution:

Many charitable organizations and community groups organize food drives where they collect non-perishable food items. These items are then distributed to the underprivileged and needy individuals and families, especially in slums and rural areas.

3. Farmers’ Events:

Agricultural communities often organize events to recognize the efforts of farmers. These events may include farmer felicitation ceremonies, agricultural exhibitions, and workshops on modern farming techniques. It’s a way to highlight the crucial role farmers play in ensuring food security.

4. School Activities:

Schools across India participate in World Food Day activities. They often organise debates, quizzes, drawing competitions, and awareness sessions about the importance of balanced nutrition. Schools may also invite experts to talk to students about agriculture and healthy eating habits.

5. Government Initiatives:

World Food Day celebration by the government of India is done through various departments and ministries, conducts programs and campaigns on World Food Day. Additionally, government officials and leaders may make public announcements or speeches about food security and related policies.

Food Wastage In India

In India, food wastage is still a very pertinent issue. We waste huge amounts of food at many different stages of the supply chain. Even though India is home to millions of malnourished people, it sees quite a lot of our agricultural produce going bad and getting wasted, because of inadequate storage facilities, inefficient distribution systems, and a lack of proper infrastructure.

8 Ways To Reduce Food Wastage At Home

On an individual level, there are several steps we can take at home to reduce food wastage on International Food Day:

1. Plan Meals

Plan your meals well in advance and create a shopping list since it will help you buy only what you need and reduce the chances of food getting spoiled before consumption.

2. Proper Storage

Store food properly in the refrigerator or pantry to extend its shelf life. Additionally, understand which items need refrigeration and which do not.

3. First In, First Out (FIFO)

Arrange your groceries and food items based on their expiry dates, and consume items that are closer to expiry first.

4. Portion Control

Serve and consume reasonable portions to avoid leftovers, because you can always go for a second helping if needed.

5. Preservation Techniques

Learn food preservation techniques like freezing, canning, or drying, as these methods help in storing excess food for a longer duration.

6. Donate Surplus Food

If you have excess food that you cannot consume before it spoils, consider donating it to food banks or charitable organisations.

7. Composting

Convert food scraps into compost because this reduces the amount of food going into landfills and enriches the soil.

8. Mindful Cooking

Cook only what you and your family can eat, and if you’re cooking for a large group, estimate the quantity carefully to avoid making more than needed.

As we have learnt today, World Food Day is celebrated on October 16 and is a much-needed important platform to fight global hunger. The day urges nations, organisations, and even individual people to get up and take action! In India, we witness diverse activities, from awareness campaigns to food drives, and the important issue of food wastage – which needs immediate action. At a personal level, you can help by meal planning, mindful cooking, and trying out preservation techniques to stop wastage on this International Food Day.

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