Home Health Menstruation Can You Score At Least A 6/10 On This Menstrual Hygiene Quiz?

Can You Score At Least A 6/10 On This Menstrual Hygiene Quiz?

Can You Score At Least A 6/10 On This Menstrual Hygiene Quiz?
1. How often should you change your pad?
2. Can you have sex on your period?
3. What is the first sign you have an infection?
4. What type of discharge is normal?
5. Should you use a vaginal wash during period days?
6. How should you clean your vaginal area during period days?
7. Should you use multiple period products at the same time?
8. Why shouldn’t you use multiple period products at the same time?
9. Should you take a bath during your period days?
10. Is mild odour from the vulva normal during period days?

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