Home Expert Talk Expert Talk: How Does Drinking Alcohol Affect Your Period?

Expert Talk: How Does Drinking Alcohol Affect Your Period?


While enjoying an occasional alcoholic drink is unlikely to harm a person’s health and well-being, especially in the long term, excessive drinking can affect every aspect of your health and almost every part of the human body.

Some people believe that alcohol acts like a stimulant as it can increase heart rate, give a person extra energy, and decrease their inhibitions. However, this is not true because although alcohol has some initial stimulant effects, it’s primarily a depressant as it slows down the human body. How it affects a person depends on their body chemistry, amount of alcohol drunk at one time, and their alcohol tolerance. More importantly, alcohol can cause severe hangovers the next day and, in women, can impact their menstrual cycle, which can have dire consequences on their health.

Is there a connection between alcohol and the menstrual cycle, or can alcohol affect our menstrual cycle? There are no clear answers to this, but there is much to understand.

The Channel 46 collaborated with Dr Sonamm Tiwari, Consultant-Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Hiranandani Hospital, who discussed whether drinking alcohol can affect your period. 

Q1. How does alcohol affect hormones?

Some women may experience menstrual irregularities even after consuming just a tiny amount of alcohol, while others may be able to consume more without any changes in their hormone levels.

Consumption of alcohol, especially chronically, can affect the endocrine system, leading to higher Oestrogen, Testosterone and LH levels and lower Progesterone levels in women of the reproductive age. These alcohol-induced changes in hormones can lead to irregularities in the menstrual cycle. How high the threshold is for each woman is highly individualised, as it depends on genetics, primary hormone levels, liver health, lifestyle, and many other factors.

Some women may experience menstrual irregularities even after consuming just a tiny amount of alcohol, while others may be able to consume more without any changes in their hormone levels. Studies state, “Heavy drinking, defined as binge drinking (four or more drinks within two hours) at least five times a month, appears to alter the menstrual cycle for most — and may even stop it.” These irregularities in the menstrual cycle can have long-term repercussions and lead to various reproductive problems.

Q2. How does alcohol affect premenstrual syndrome?

Because alcohol consumption directly affects the rise in Oestrogen levels, a woman is 45 per cent more likely to experience Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS symptoms such as frequent headaches, breast tenderness, and mood swings.

Because alcohol consumption directly affects the rise in Oestrogen levels, a woman is 45 per cent more likely to experience Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS symptoms such as frequent headaches, breast tenderness, and mood swings. Menstruation can also alter magnesium levels in the breast and, in some cases, act as an additional culprit by causing stronger cravings and dizziness. The results may vary depending on what and how much a woman drinks.

Q3. What is the link between alcohol and menstrual pain and cramps?

When you are well hydrated, your uterine and abdominal muscles spasm less, which also thins the blood and mucus in the menstrual blood, making it easier to drain.

Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it causes frequent urination and dehydration (for this reason, it is always best to drink fluids between alcoholic beverages and not mix drinks). Dehydration can lower pain tolerance levels. Alcohol depletes Magnesium, which increases Prostaglandin levels and, in turn, causes smooth muscle spasms. When you are well hydrated, your uterine and abdominal muscles spasm less, which also thins the blood and mucus in the menstrual blood, making it easier to drain.

Q4. Can alcohol cause heavy bleeding?

Expert Talk: How Does Drinking Alcohol Affect Your Period?

Since alcohol can increase Oestrogen levels, it can stimulate the growth of uterine lining tissue, especially if a woman drinks excessively during the first half of the cycle. This can lead to heavier menstrual bleeding. Drinking alcohol during your period is unlikely to affect bleeding in the current cycle. Even then, depending on the alcohol consumed, its effect may be noticed in the next cycle.

Q5. Does alcohol affect cravings during the period cycle?

Research suggests that higher Oestrogen levels activate the brain’s reward system, making a person more aware of the pleasurable effects of alcohol.

Research suggests that higher Oestrogen levels activate the brain’s reward system, making a person more aware of the pleasurable effects of alcohol. This phenomenon causes a person to crave alcohol when Oestrogen peaks in their body. In the second half of a woman’s menstrual cycle, blood sugar imbalance and insulin resistance increase, and alcohol exacerbates these tendencies. Therefore, if women drink during this period, they will likely feel intoxicated more quickly.

Also, it is not wise to drink alcohol at any stage of your period, especially if you are trying to get pregnant. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause lifelong health problems for your baby.

Q6. How is alcohol and fertility linked?

First and foremost, alcohol can cause irregular or missed ovulation due to increased Oestrogen levels in the follicles. This can make the process of conceiving naturally quite tricky. Although many studies have looked at the effects of alcohol on fertility, it is difficult to draw any specific conclusions. However, if you are considering fertility medications or artificial insemination, alcohol may reduce their effectiveness and, thus, decrease your chances of pregnancy.

In conclusion, multiple factors play a role in alcohol metabolism, and the effects of alcohol vary by individual, so it is challenging to set recommendations regarding its consumption. While limited consumption is acceptable, people with certain medical conditions and pregnant women should avoid alcohol altogether.

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