Home Life DIY 7 Remedies To Remove Sweat Stains & Protect Your Kapde From Paseena

7 Remedies To Remove Sweat Stains & Protect Your Kapde From Paseena


Like it or not, sweat stains are common but no fun. Whether you’re getting them on your clothes from working out or you simply run hot, those telltale yellow stains on clothes are inevitable. Normally, sweat on its own won’t stain clothes but it’s the combination of sweat and body oils that will turn clothes yellow over time. That’s why it’s so important to wash your items regularly and thoroughly and know how to remove sweat stains before they set in.

The good news is that you can eliminate both sweat stains and odours with a few simple tricks. Before diving into how to remove sweat stains from clothes, it helps to understand what causes them, since this can help you avoid them in the first place. Here is your one stop solution on how to remove holi colour from clothes.

What Causes Sweat Stains?

Sweat is made up of a combination of water, salt, fats, and proteins, so when you perspire, all of these things go into your clothes. If you don’t wash your clothes after each wear with a high-quality detergent, they can build up over time with each subsequent wear and become deeply embedded between the fabric fibres. Over time, these soils can bind to the fabric fibres to cause yellowing, and as they break down into smaller, airborne molecules, they become smelly. Using an aluminium-free deodorant can help with this problem, as can making sure your deodorant or antiperspirant is completely dry before you put on your clothes.

How To Get Sweat Stains Out Of White Shirts

White shirts are the most likely pieces of clothing to be affected by yellow, sometimes smelly sweat stains. Follow these steps to get them out. 

Learn here how to remove colour stains from white clothes with 5 effective home hacks.


  1. Rinse the garment in warm water to dilute the stain.
  2. Pre-treat the soiled spots, either with a mixture of your regular detergent and white vinegar or a paste of baking soda and either water or hydrogen peroxide. One part baking soda to two parts water or hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Let the garment sit for as little as 20 minutes or as long as overnight, depending on the severity of the stains.
  4. Without washing off the pre-treatment, throw the garment into the laundry with other items and wash with regular detergent. If the care label allows, wash in warm water. Otherwise, wash in cold water.
  5. If the stain is still there, repeat these steps before drying the garment.

How To Get Sweat Stains Out Of Coloured Clothes

When it comes to removing sweat stains and smell in coloured clothes, you’ll largely be following the same steps as you would with a white shirt. But there’s one important difference: If you opt for the baking soda paste, use water instead of hydrogen peroxide, to protect the colour. You can test a small area before you do the whole garment. The same method can be used for hats as well. 


  1. Rinse your coloured clothes in warm water to dilute the stain.
  2. Pre-treat the affected areas with a mixture of detergent and white vinegar or a paste of baking soda and water. Do one part baking soda to two parts water.
  3. Let the garment sit for as little as 20 minutes or as long as overnight, depending on the severity of the stains.
  4. Without washing off the pre-treatment, throw the garment into the laundry with other items and wash with regular detergent. If the care label allows, wash in warm water. Otherwise, wash in cold water.
  5. If the sweat patches are still there, repeat the steps above before putting the clothes into the dryer.

How To Remove Sweat Stains With 7 Unexpected Household Items?

Got a bad sweat stain on the underarms of your light-coloured clothing? You probably have something in your kitchen or medicine cabinet that will help get rid of the stain immediately. These items also work well when learning about how to remove armpit stains. Aspirin, table salt, lemon juice, white vinegar, baking soda are some of the many common household ingredients you can use to make your sweaty clothes look brand new again.

1. Aspirin

Those yellow sweat or pit stains can certainly give you a headache, and aspirin can help surprisingly. Crush two aspirin tablets, and mix the powder in half a cup of warm water. Soak the stained part of the garment in the solution for two to three hours, then wash as normal.

2. Dish Soap

Mix one part dish soap with two parts hydrogen peroxide, then scrub the stain and let it sit for an hour. Dish soap works well on oil stains, too, as it’s created to cut through grease and oil.

3. Salt

Salt’s another secret ingredient for getting rid of those stubborn yellow pit stains. Dissolve 4 tablespoons of salt in one litre of hot water. Sponge the garment with the solution until the stain disappears.

4. Lemon

Avoid expensive dry-cleaning bills! Remove unsightly underarm stains from clothes by scrubbing them with a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water. The citrus works as a stain fighter, but it’s gentle enough not to damage your more delicate garments.

5. Vinegar

Pour a bit of vinegar directly onto the stain and rub it into the fabric before placing the item in the wash. You can also remove deodorant stains from your washable shirts and blouses by gently rubbing the spot with undiluted vinegar before laundering.

6. Baking Soda

Pre-treating clothes with a paste made from 4 tablespoons baking soda and one-fourth cup of warm water can help vanquish a variety of stains, including perspiration stains. For really awful stains, let the paste dry for about two hours before washing. For collar stains, rub in the paste and add a bit of vinegar before putting the shirt in the wash. 

7. Oxygen Bleach

Find a well-ventilated room to mix ingredients. Be sure to put on rubber gloves. Mix one part oxygen-based bleach and one part household ammonia in a non-metal bowl. (Use about two tablespoons of each ingredient per shirt). Rub the solution into stains for 1 minute and then wash the shirt after 10 minutes.

5 Tips To Prevent Sweat Patches & Keep The Clothes Smelling Fresh

To keep your clothes from becoming smelly and sweat-stained in the first place, follow these tips:

  1. When possible, after heavy workouts or particularly stressful days, rinse off gear under warm running water and allow it to air-dry before placing it in the hamper.
  2. Never leave wet or damp workout clothes or towels in a warm, dark place like a gym bag or laundry hamper. They can start to smell like mildew or mould in as little as six hours.
  3. Always take your workout clothes or towels out of your gym bag and let them fully air-dry before placing them in your laundry hamper to prevent the mildew/mould smell.
  4. Avoid putting your clothes on for around 30 seconds after you have applied deodorant; this will give your deodorant time to dry and should reduce the chances of a stain occurring.
  5. Another option is to wear an undershirt, this will absorb residue and keep your outer shirt clean and dry.

Stay fresh this summer and don’t let the sweat stains trouble you! The right way to tackle sweat stains is to act swiftly. The more you wait to clean up the stain, the more stubborn it will get. So, learn how to remove sweat stains from clothes and save your wardrobe. 

Once you’re up to speed with sweat stains, find here 10 quick and easy home hacks to remove grease and oil stains!



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