Home Health Sex Uncomplicate: What Are Wet Dreams & Do Women Have Them, Too?

Uncomplicate: What Are Wet Dreams & Do Women Have Them, Too?


Although wet dreams are mostly associated with teenage boys and men, it happens to women too. For women, a wet dream – referred to as nocturnal emissions in medical parlance, refers to the release of vaginal fluids while sleeping. It is akin to a female orgasm. And when it happens, some wake while others sleep right through it. It is usually the result of a sex dream, although not every time. In this article, we’ll talk about wet dreams mostly from a woman’s point of view. 

Let’s deep dive into discussing some interesting facts about wet dreams. 

11 Juicy Facts About Wet Dreams 

1. Almost 50% of women get wet dreams.

Studies indicate that almost half of the population of women have had them. Some of them have experienced them before they turned 13 and many of them get them several times every year. 

2. Most women don’t know when they are having a wet dream.

While wet dreams are easily identifiable among women because they ejaculate semen, the same doesn’t hold true among women. Only 10% of women ejaculate, that is, spurt vaginal fluid. Not just when they are asleep, but while they are awake too.

3. Women have to wake up during a wet dream.

Quite weirdly, women have to wake up in the middle of an orgasm for it to count as a wet dream, unlike men. The difference is the apparent sign of a wet dream during sleep – the release of semen, while for women, they might not show proof of an orgasm while they were asleep.

4. Wet dreams can happen to women throughout their lives.

Wet dreams among women are most common during the teenage years. However, that does not imply they don’t have them later in their lives. Adult women, including married women, can also have them.

5. It’s okay if you have wet dreams every day or none at all.

Uncomplicate: What Are Wet Dreams?

Having wet dreams frequently or every day is as normal as not having them at all. It varies among greatly among women and it’s perfectly okay whichever side of the spectrum you are on. 

6. Dream dreams can happen during REM sleep.

REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep refers to quick movements of the eyes while we are asleep. It is often accompanied with fast breathing, increased heart rate, and even genital arousal. Among women, it can cause vaginal engorgement or clitoral erections, which we might not even be aware of. 

7. Having wet dreams doesn’t mean you’re not sexually satisfied in real life.

Dreams with sexual content are normal among people who are sexually active. Seeing these dreams doesn’t mean you’re not sexually satisfied or craving more sex. Similarly, it’s completely okay if you’re having wet dreams, irrespective of the status of your sex life. 

8. What you watch might be the trigger behind wet dreams.

The type of content you watch during the day is often closely linked to the content of your dreams while you’re sleeping. So, if you watch sexual content before you sleep, what you’ve watched may translate to what you see during your sleep, leading to a wet dream.

9. Wet dreams does not mean you’re ill.

Contrary to what many may want you to believe, this is just another common myth. No, wet dreams do not indicate you are ill. In fact, just the opposite is true. Wet dreams show that you are going great guns with your sexual functioning and you have nothing to worry about.

10. Accidental genital stimulation can cause wet dreams.

At times, you end up brushing against your genitals over your clothes and blanket while you’re sleeping. Or, sleep on your stomach with your genitals brushing against the bed linen. Or, any sleep position that tends to exert pressure on you down there. The pressure on the genitals increases the blood flow in and around your lady bits, raising the likeliness of a wet dream, even without you knowing you’ve stimulated yourself. 

11. Wet dreams do not compromise your immunity.

Contrary to popular myths, wet dreams do not lower your immunity to common health conditions like cold and cough. There is no scientific explanation behind immunity being connected to these health conditions in any way whatsoever.

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