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10 Quick Facts That Will Ease Your Mind If You’re Having Sex For The First Time

10 Quick Facts That Will Ease Your Mind If You're Having Sex For The First Time

Your mind is likely to go bonkers before your very first bam-chicka-bam-bam sesh. And as it is, first experiences are always special. While your brain bombards you with a flurry of questions from every part of your brain, here are 10 quick facts that will put your mind at ease and prepare you for your first sex experience. Read on.

1. You may experience vaginal bleeding if your hymen “breaks”.

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Vaginal bleeding after having penetrative sex for the first time is completely normal. This is caused due to the stretching or tearing of the hymen, the thin sheath of tissue that covers the surrounding or external vaginal opening. 

2. There will be no vaginal bleeding if your hymen is already ruptured due to physical activities.

Though you may be made to believe by your peer group that you’re bound to experience vaginal bleeding after your first intimate experience, the reality is far off from this myth. You shouldn’t feel uncomfortable if you don’t bleed because the hymen may “break”, that is, rupture during activities like riding a cycle or participating in various physically-intensive sports activities.

3. The vagina is super stretchable and you shouldn’t bleed profusely.

Here’s a reality check. Your vagina can push out a baby of around 2.5 to 3.5 kg at birth. Yes, you read that right! So, come what may, you cannot bleed abnormally even on your first go at turning up the heat between the sheets. If you do, the possible reason is likely to be something else.

4. You shouldn’t bleed profusely if lube and sufficient foreplay was involved.

A few clots of blood is the most that you are likely to see. That is if you make the most of a lube and make sure you are aroused enough to not experience unbearable pain while being penetrated. Although lube isn’t generally required during vaginal sex, provided there is enough foreplay before that, it’s best to make the most of it on your first sex sesh. Wild and experimentative enough to try out anal sex right on the first day? Don’t forget to lube it up, girl!

5. If you feel unbearable pain, it might be due to vaginismus.

Vaginismus is a health condition that makes penetration during sex extremely painful, despite feeling relaxed and enough foreplay being involved before it. Set an appointment with a doctor if penetration feels like a nightmare every time you have sex.

6. Consult a doctor if you bleed excessively.

While bleeding after having penetrative sex is totally normal, excessive bleeding isn’t. If you’re bleeding continuously and profusely, and are sure you’re not on your period, visit a doctor immediately. Because this may be due to an infection, an internal injury, or an underlying medical condition, and must be treated at the earliest.

7. Calm your body & mind before you’re penetrated.

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Worrying about whether your first time will be painful doesn’t make the experience easy and memorable for you. In fact, it stiffens your body and clenches your pelvic floor muscles – enough to make sex painful for you.

8. You will probably not reach an orgasm right on the get go.

Orgasming on your first experience of some action between the sheets is a rarity. Rather than fixating your mind on orgasming, focus on the journey instead. However, if you do, you are one lucky girl!

9. Pop a pill the morning after.

Keep a condom handy, so that you can help your partner with one even when he has forgotten to carry one. Nope, using forgetfulness as an excuse because you’re a newbie to something like this is a story of the past. Even if you’ve used a condom, make sure to pop a contraceptive pill within 48 hours of having sex, to avoid an unwanted pregnancy scare. 

A contraceptive pill is also a must-have if either or both of you are not into a monogamous physical relationship. Also, undergoing an STI medical test before your first time will assure you that you haven’t been infected by the virus. Not just you, convince your partner to undertake the test with you.

10. Steer clear of period sex.

When it’s your first time, avoid planning your first sex sesh while you’re on your period. Your body is already going through a lot of hormonal changes and you perhaps wouldn’t like to add on something new to it – an experience that you have no idea about how it would be like. However, if you are a wild cat and look forward to exploring sex while you’re menstruating, experts often recommend that you do so after the first 2 days. 

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