WorkEntrepreneurshipA Complete Guide On Selling Your Products On Facebook

A Complete Guide On Selling Your Products On Facebook

You stay in touch with your friends and family on Facebook, don’t you? Now, you can also use this platform to grow your business by selling online. Without making heavy investments that burn a hole in your pocket. If you already have a website, you can reach out to people who you think would be interested in buying your products. If you don’t have a website, even then you can sell directly on Facebook, through a feature called Facebook Marketplace. Read on to discover some simple, facebook marketing tips that will surely help you towards using Facebook as a powerful tool to grow your business. 

5-Step Checklist On How To Sell Products On Facebook

1. Creating Your Account

How To Create Facebook Business Account
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The first step to starting out is to create a Facebook page dedicated to your business. Please don’t confuse this with your own personal Facebook page (which you might be using to share updates and stay in touch with your friends & family). You will need to create a dedicated page with the name of your brand/business. Just like you did when you created your personal Facebook account, you will need to add in details about your company. Make sure you add all the relevant information like your company address, website (if you have one) and a contact number (that your customers can reach you on). 

2. Listing Your Products 

How To Create Product Listing On Facebook Business Account

Now that your page is ready, you’re all set to start talking about your brand and the products you sell! Now, you can create posts about your products, and mention the link to where people could buy it on your website. On the page, you also have the option of listing your products directly under tha ‘Shop’ Feature, where each time someone clicks on the listing, they will be given the option of discovering the product on your website. 

But, how to sell on Facebook if you don’t have a website? 

For all those wondering  how to sell products on Facebook without a website.,the answer is Facebook Marketplace. And how to sell on Facebook Marketplace? It’s very simple. On the Marketplace feature, you can directly list your products. People can buy them directly, and you can also mark a product as sold each time it does get sold. 

Another way you can sell is by advertising your products, and requesting those you are interested to send you a DM or a WhatsApp. They can transfer you money through a bank transfer (or a mobile wallet like Paytm/GooglePay/PhonePe), and you can ship your product to them. 

3. Content Creation

Content creation may seem time-consuming, perhaps even unnecessary. But it truly is one of the best known Facebook marketing tips to ensure your products and brand stand out from the already existing competition. Think of your Facebook page as your personal channel to advertise your products. While it is definitely important to share content about your products (including product details, specifications, price, description to name a few), it is equally important to speak about topics that may perhaps not be related to your products directly, but create interest in your brand. For instance, the industry that you’re in. If you run a brand that sells eco-friendly products, you could start sharing content about the importance of sustainable living. If your product is cosmetic, share makeup tutorials. Such tricks help to get people interested in your page. Even if they dont buy immediately, they will choose to follow your page, and buy at some point in the future if not immediately. 

4. Driving Engagement

How To Drive Engagement On Facebook
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Creating a page, and constantly sharing content is a great way to start. But it’s important to focus on driving the engagement, so that people ultimately buy your products. It is important to keep up the conversation. Often, people will comment on your posts, and send you DMs. Please, please, please make sure you respond to them. You wouldn’t like it if someone doesn’t respond to a message, right? Neither will your followers. However, it’s also important to remember that there might be times when you get sent negative messages also. People might be unhappy with the level of service provided, and will choose to express their unhappiness on your Facebook page. While it might be easy to ignore such comments, please don’t. Respond to them in a manner that seems appropriate to you. Afterall, you don’t want to lose customers, do you? At the same time, there can be times you get trolled (people leaving. In such cases, it’s best to delete such comments. 

Another way to drive engagement is to treat your page as a means to gain your customers’ loyalty. Do giveaways & contests, where you can give the winner a freebie or a gift card. Easy, yet effective tactics to increase your engagement. 

5. Paid Advertising

Not everyone can afford to advertise their brand on television, radio or the local newspaper. Yet, most entrepreneurs are aware of the importance of advertising. This is where the beauty of Facebook comes into play. Facebook allows you to advertise your brand, at very limited budgets to relevant audiences. What’s more, you can choose to pause your ads anytime, if you feel they are not helping you meet your objective. 

When you run ads, you basically increase the chances of your brand being discovered, within the audience that is most likely to buy your product. There are multiple ways to run ads on Facebook – you can choose to ‘boost’ a post so that more people see it, or you can run a ‘Like Page’ campaign where more people follow your page. Facebook paid advertising may seem complicated, but it’s actually very easy. All you need to do is understand the process of setting up your Ads. It’s also very important to remember to constantly monitor the performance of your Ads. What you must also do is regularly change the Ads (the audience or the post itself) to understand what works best for your brand. 

Hopefully, by now you should have a fair understanding of how to sell products on Facebook. It may sound overwhelming, but it’s not. You can easily start and build a business on Facebook, as long as you follow the correct practices. And, while selling on Facebook is a great and lucrative option, here are some alternative low investment business ideas that you can consider.

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