Want To Conceive Naturally With PCOS? Here’s Everything You Need To Know

You have heard of painful periods, irregular menstruation, hormonal imbalance and more that happens due to PCOS. Women with PCOS go through a lot but infertility is an issue caused by this syndrome that is rarely discussed. In women with PCOS, the hormonal imbalance interferes with the growth and release of eggs from the ovaries (ovulation).

What Exactly Is PCOS Or PCOD?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) or Disease (PCOD) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. Since this is a chronic condition that affects a woman’s hormone levels, it causes you to skip periods or not get any periods at all. This condition further makes it difficult for women to get pregnant.

8 Common Symptoms Of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

– Irregular periods – Infertility – Excessive facial hair – Heavy menstrual flow – Pelvic pain – Acne – Fluctuations in weight – Mood swings

5 Vital PCOS & Fertility Questions Answered By A Gynaecologist

1.  How & why does PCOS impact one’s fertility?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) has a direct effect on hormonal imbalance and ovulation, most of these patients are having an Anovulatory Menstrual Cycle or Oligoovulation. They get delayed menses, irregular menses and can have scanty menses. Most patients are obese and have Hyperandrogenism – with a male pattern of body fat distribution and Hirsutism means a male pattern of facial hair in the chin, upper lip, side locks, abdomen, and legs.

Want To Conceive Naturally With PCOS? Here’s Everything You Need To Know

If you are wondering, ‘how to conceive with PCOS,’ or even if the procedure is safe? Then yes, it is! With proper medication and weight management, women with PCOS can get naturally pregnant. The success rate can go up to 80%. If natural pregnancy is not possible then the doctor will recommend IVF.

3.  Are there any risks for women who have a PCOS pregnancy?

PCOD patients have a higher risk of early pregnancy abortion. So, even after getting pregnant, hormone treatment should continue till 12 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. These patients have a higher risk of having hypertension and diabetes during pregnancy as well. Complications related to mother and child are also there, so till the delivery, they are high-risk patients and need close observation.