By: Akshita Gupta For: Date: 25th February 2023
3. Grass-fed ghee: Ghee made from the milk of grass-fed cows is richer in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin K2, and other beneficial nutrients compared to ghee made from grain-fed cows.
4. Desi ghee: This type of ghee is made from buffalo milk and has a distinctive nutty flavor. It is rich in butyric acid, a type of short-chain fatty acid that has been linked to improved gut health.
5. Ayurvedic ghee: Ayurvedic practitioners often make ghee by boiling it with herbs and spices that are believed to have healing properties, such as turmeric and ginger. This type of ghee is often used for medicinal purposes.
6. Commercial ghee: Not all ghee sold in stores is created equal. Some commercial ghee products may contain added preservatives or be made from low-quality ingredients. When buying ghee, look for organic, grass-fed, and minimally processed products to ensure you're getting the most nutritional benefits.