The Channel 46

Self-Care Measures For Social Anxiety Disorder

How many times have you felt nervous and jittery  while in a social situation? Public speaking or interacting with  strangers isn’t exactly a cakewalk for everyone. We humans are social  beings, and we learn to face social situations with time. However, it  becomes a problem when the intensity and frequency of this anxiety  increase whenever we are a part of a social situation. This excessive  fear and stress that gets triggered around social situations is called  social phobia. It’s a type of anxiety disorder, also known as social  anxiety disorder.

Self-Care Measures For Social Anxiety Disorder

1. Avoid Caffeine At All Cost  Stimulants like coffee, chocolate, and soda will give you a temporary  boost but will make your anxiety worse. Caffeine can even trigger panic  attacks. If you face a hard time giving up tea and coffee then try to  reduce your daily intake. Try drinking ample amounts of water as it will  significantly help you to control your caffeine addiction.

2. Ensure You Get A Good Night’s Sleep  Getting at least eight hours of sleep per night is mandatory. Lack of  sleep can increase anxiety and worsen symptoms of social phobia.  Maintain your sleep-wake cycle by going to bed and waking up following a  schedule.

3. Win Over Your Fears It’s important that you recognise the triggers that provoke your  anxiety, makes you feel nervous, and out of control. As soon as you  realise that you are being gripped by your fears, practise relaxation  and breathing techniques.

4. Incorporate Healthy Lifestyle Changes  Studies have shown that making lifestyle changes help in checking  anxiety. Reducing your overall anxiety level will help you to be more in  control of yourself when in a social situation. For example, add  exercise or yoga in your daily routine. Devote at least half an hour to  exercise every day. Working out will increase your brain’s production of  endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that regulate mood and  anxiety.

5. Actively Take Part in Social Situations  Rather than fearing social situations and avoiding them, take efforts  to participate in the same. Take baby steps, but practice talking to  people, making eye-contact, and similar healthy social interactions.  This will increase your confidence.

6. Prep-up For Social Events Prepare yourself thoroughly in advance before attending social  events. Role-playing and practising conversation starters is an  excellent way to build confidence. The more you talk, the less anxious  you will feel, and it’ll be easier to speak with others.

7. Acknowledge You Are Not Alone Fighting This Battle Social anxiety disorder or social phobia is extremely common and  millions of people suffer from it. They too are constantly scared of  being judged in social settings. Also, most people are generally busy  focusing on themselves to worry about you. Seeing the world in this  perspective will help you feel confident and combat social anxiety.

The Channel 46

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