The Channel 46

Say Hi To Soft Feet With 5 Homemade Foot Scrubs

Our feet are one of the most important parts of  our body and yet they are often quite overlooked. Just like your face,  your feet need to be pampered too after a long tiring day. But foot spas  can be quite expensive. We often think it is alright to neglect our  feet but what if we told you there are homemade foot scrubs that you can  use without spending a single rupee? We advise you to do a small patch test on your skin to check if you  are allergic to any of the ingredients such as specific essential oils.

Say Hi To Soft Feet With 5 Homemade Foot Scrubs

Oatmeal Foot Scrub Oatmeal is a great exfoliator because of its coarse texture. It also  makes your feet smooth and soothes minor rashes. Including it with bath  salt and baking soda increase its exfoliating effect.

Lemon And Sugar Foot Scrub Lemon and sugar are present in every household. Thus, it is extremely  easy to make this foot scrub at home. Lemon acts as a natural bleaching  agent. Thus, it helps to clear blemishes from the skin. Sugar helps to  scrub dead skin cells. Coconut oil moisturises the feet and makes them  soft.

Honey And Sugar Foot Scrub Honey has antibacterial properties and sugar is great for removing  dead skin cells which makes this a perfect foot scrub if you want to  exfoliate and keep your feet hygienic.

Honey And Camphor Foot Scrub This homemade foot scrub is excellent if you have rough skin but it  also works for all skin types. Camphor oil works great as wound healing  and has anti-wrinkle properties. Honey makes the skin soft.

Pineapple And Yoghurt Foot Scrub Pineapples contain vitamin C which makes this an exfoliating foot  scrub. yoghurt can brighten the skin and improve the texture of the  skin.

The Channel 46

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