Safety Precautions Breast Cancer Patients Should Keep In While Doing Yoga 


1. Rest and Recovery Do not overexert yourself, & prioritize relaxation and self-care. Adequate rest is crucial for healing.

2. Choose Gentle Yoga Opt for gentle and restorative yoga styles, like Hatha, Yin, or restorative yoga.

3. Inform Your Instructor If you attend a yoga class, inform your instructor about your medical history and current health condition.

4. Listen to Your Body Pay close attention to how your body feels during the practice. If a pose causes discomfort or pain, modify it or skip it entirely.

5. Avoid Strain Breast cancer patients, especially those who have undergone surgery or radiation, should avoid straining the affected area.

6. Mindful Breathing Deep, slow breathing can reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being.