The Channel 46

Risk Factors Associated With Breast Cancer

Underwire bras are not only uncomfortable but also surrounded by the myth that it increases your risk of breast cancer. The idea became a discussion during the 90’s and was fueled by books like Dressed To Kill by Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer, where it was claimed that women who wear underwired bras have a much higher risk of breast cancer as these bras can affect the normal functioning of the lymph system, which results in building up the toxins in breasts. So relevant is the subject that there is a separate day designated to the cause to spread awareness about it. As a result, 7th November of every year is commemorated as the National Cancer Awareness Day.

Nobody ever found enough evidence to back this claim. It is not proven that compression of lymph nodes by bras can cause breast cancer. At the same time, there is also not enough evidence that says going braless can decrease one’s risk of developing breast cancer. But if breast cancer is your concern, there are many other factors that are to be kept in mind to decrease your chances. Bras may not have much to do with increasing your risk, but you need to know everything else that can. To reduce the risk of breast cancer, you need in-depth knowledge of this condition and what causes it.

8 Risk Factors Associated With Breast Cancer

1. Gender

Most cases of breast cancer are found in women. Women have approximately 12.1% chances of developing breast cancer during their lifetime.

2. Age

Most cases of breast cancer happen with older women. Around 65% percent of such cases are of women aged above 55 years.

3. Heredity

In some rare cases, inherited gene mutations like BRCA1 and BRCA2 cause breast cancer. However, these only account for a small fraction of overall cases of breast cancer. Also, having someone in your family diagnosed with breast cancer increases your chances of having it.

4. Early Menstruation & Late Menopause

Starting menstruation before the age of 12 or having delayed menopause (after the age of 55) increases risk of breast cancer as these conditions are associated with the improper functioning of reproductive hormones.

5. Pregnancy

Women who have late pregnancy or decide not to have children are at higher risk of developing the condition while women who carry pregnancy and breastfeeding at an appropriate reproductive age are at lower risk.

6. Hormonal Pills

Women who take hormonal pills are at an increased risk of breast cancer.

7. Physical Inactivity Or Obesity

Being inactive or obese increases the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer.

8. Alcohol Consumption

Women who consume alcohol have a 21% higher risk of developing breast cancer.

The Channel 46

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