The Channel 46

Nutritionist Minal Shah Shares Wisdom On Transitioning From A Vegetarian Diet To Vegan Diet

More and more people are switching to a plant-based diet thanks to its proven health and environmental benefits. With celebrities switching to veganism and increased availability of vegan products in the market, several people are adopting this lifestyle. Social media campaigns like Meatless Mondays, mock meat brands like Veggie Champ, Good Dot and more along with an increased awareness of the cons of eating meat has led to more and more people switching to veganism. But how do you know what’s best for you and what’s the easiest way to transition? TC46 connected with Minal Shah, Senior Nutrition Therapist at Fortis Hospital in Mulund. She shares the dos and don’ts of veganism, busts some common myths about this diet and shares an effective guide to help you transition with ease.

1. What is veganism? How is it different from being vegetarian? Veganism is a lifestyle that is free of all animal products be it food, clothing or any other products. A vegetarian abstains from consuming meat, seafood and poultry, they may exclude by-products of animal slaughter but do include milk and milk products. 2. What are the foods vegans cannot eat? A vegan diet excludes any animal products like: – Meat – Seafood – Poultry – Honey – Dairy.

3. What are some common myths about veganism? How are they false? 1. Boring, Unhealthy & Makes You Weak: The most common myths about veganism is that it is very difficult, unhealthy, boring and makes you weak. 2. Lack Of Protein: People often wonder if vegans get enough of proteins? It is possible to get adequate protein in a vegan from plant-based sources like pulses, dals,  3. No Real Dining Options: Another myth is eating out. These days vegan food is easily available at a wide range of gourmet restaurants, to fast food outlets, and even in packaged food.

4. What are the advantages of going vegan? A vegan diet is very healthy as it includes a plant-based diet. Plant-based diets are good sources of fibre, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and antioxidants that are associated with improved cholesterol levels, reduced risk of type2 Diabetes, anti-carcinogenic properties and for weight management. 5. Could you share a step-by-step guide with tips for transitioning from vegetarian to vegan? If you are determined, you can switch to a vegan immediately. If it seems like a difficult task, you can switch to being a vegan in a stepwise manner.

6. What are some crucial tips for turning vegan for vegetarians? – Prepare yourself for the transition – Read about being a vegan and understand the exclusions – Find the replacements to the exclusions to ensure meeting the nutritional requirements – Keep the food simple but diverse, you do not need time-consuming and complicated recipes just because you started being vegan 7. Could you share 5 sources of vital nutrients for a vegan diet? One food group can be a source of multiple nutrients. Listing a few: 1. Carbohydrates: grains, cereals, fruits, roots, pulses 2. Protein: dal, beans, lentils, Soya, nuts

The Channel 46

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