5 Leg Workout Exercises At Home To Strengthen Your Lower Back


1. Squat Jumps – Stand with your feet a little more apart than the hip-width length – Bend forward from your hips, bending your knees till they are parallel to the ground, and sit in the position of a squat – Next, jump into the air as much as possible, so that your legs are straightened out, while keeping your hands by your side, chest lifted and back straight – As you land back on the floor, repeat the same step again as many times as advised by your fitness expert


2. Bodyweight Squat – Stand with your feet a little wider than the hip-width length, with arms by your side, palms in, and toes turned slightly outwards – Keep your back flat and chest lifted as you push your hips back and then bend your knees to lower yourself and squat – While doing this, bend your elbows and bring the palms together in front of your chest as if doing a ‘namaste’. – Push back up into the air and squeeze your glutes at the top to complete one rep for these thigh exercises at homees as advised by your fitness expert


3. Side Leg Raises – Lie on one side with your legs straight out and stacked on top of one another – You can rest your torso flat out on the mat or raise it with the support of your forearm – Lift your top leg upwards and towards the ceiling gradually in a controlled movement. Ensure that you lift it from the buttocks and hips, and not from your lower back. – Return to the position from where you had started to complete one rep


4. Glute Bridge – Lie facing upwards with your knees bent with your feet apart at hip-width length – Ensure that your lower back presses against the floor – Next, lift your hips off the floor, squeezing your glutes after reaching the top – Hold this position for a moment and then return your leg to the starting position to complete one rep for such quad exercises at home


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