How To Choose The Right Protein Bar To Supercharge Your Health

We all know our macros—carbs give the body energy, good fats help protect your organs and improve absorption of nutrients, and protein helps with muscle building and repairing the wear and tear in your body. If you’re someone who works out or is even simply trying to live a healthier lifestyle, eating adequate protein each day is an essential component of meeting your goals.

How Much Protein Do You Need?

Experts say that a sedentary adult should consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. It is no secret that adequate protein in one’s diet is vital to build and repair body tissue, and fight viral and bacterial infections. The pandemic has made us aware of the need to boost immunity in order to keep our health in check. Intake of turmeric mixed in hot milk, taking ginger shots, intake of vitamin C, and consuming enough protein-rich foods to boost immunity have become a part of the new normal.

Why Is Protein Important?

In women, sufficient protein can help in a host of ways: 1. To gain and maintain lean muscle mass, because, unlike men, our hormones aren’t designed to bulk up and we lose muscle mass and gain unhealthy fat much more easily. 2. Get healthy hair, skin and nails, as these are made up of protein. 3. Feeling satiated for longer to avoid overeating and staying energised for long periods because carbohydrates, especially those that cause a spike in blood sugar, provide spurts of energy that fizzle out. Protein is a slow, sustainably releasing source of energy that won’t trigger insulin highs and lows. 4. Make bones stronger and boost bone volume. Protein makes up half of your bone volume; it’s the meat inside your bones. In addition to calcium, protein is very important for bone health.

Protein Bars To Supercharge Your Workouts

Protein bars are a good source of not just protein, but essential superfoods too. And that’s why they’re so popular as a workout snack and a go-to for a healthy diet. When you’re in the gym working on your routine, you’re tearing muscle fibers with each grueling set. The protein you consume helps the muscles that were compromised recover quicker. Essentially, the protein helps take what was damaged and put it all back together. And while eating a dozen eggs might not be everyone’s choice of protein, there is an easier way to meet your macro goals.

Types Of Protein Bars

1. The Meal Replacement Protein bars can double up as meal replacements. These are good as a healthy alternative to either skipping a meal or making an impulsive food choice. Occasionally they can be used as a substitute for a meal when you’re in a hurry or just not in the mood for a full meal. Here’s what to look for: – Calories: 250 to 400 – Protein: 20 to 30g – Carbs: 30 to 45g – Fat: 7 to 17g – Fibre: 3g+

2. The Snack Bar

An excellent pre-workout snack or an in-between snack, a protein bar is definitely a healthy choice. They are a delicious and convenient way to fill your stomach up without harmful chemicals or unhealthy ingredients. Here’s what to look for: – Calories: 100 to 250 – Protein: 5 to 15g – Carbs: 15 to 30g – Fat: 5 to 15g – Fibre: 2g+

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