The Channel 46

Go Mommy’s Roopika Sareen Guides You On How To Juggle WFH With Your Kids Attending Online Classes

1. Let Go Of Perfectionism

This is most crucial if you probably hold yourself to high standards of performance at work and at home. Take this as an opportunity to practise loosening your grip on these expectations. Maybe your children get a little more screen time than usual. Maybe your house is a mess behind you on camera during a video call. Maybe you rethink your expectations of the people who report to you. Look at this as a chance to re-evaluate what really matters and to let go of over-performing in less important areas. And perhaps this prioritization will be a new skill you can bring with you once things return to normal, I mean, “new normal”.

2. Be Upfront With Your Manager

In the first place, if you’re in this dilemma of how to juggle work and online classes, I would suggest it is better to talk it out with your manager/ team. Do not assume that they would understand the scenario. In my case, I made it clear to the team that I cannot be available for calls between 10 am -12 pm because of my kids’ classes. The solution – work at flexible hours. So I place all those calls when my kids are napping or during early evenings.

3. Try & Maintain A Structured Routine

– Waking up and eating breakfast – Being ‘ready to go’ – Logging on – Breaking for lunch – Working on offline work – Resting – Relaxing or playtime – Completing homework

4. Be Prepared For Interruptions

– Set up a dedicated learning space with all the supplies and equipment your child needs – Make sure your Wi-Fi can handle the extra demand for virtual learning, especially if you also plan to take conference calls – Make sure your child knows how to log on or at least mute-unmute – Get to know how/when attendance is counted and when your child will be offline – Prepare snacks and lunches ahead of time – Keep the timetable handy for quick reference for a water break or any special class that needs a separate login – Check on your child during your scheduled work breaks (you should be taking breaks anyway!)

5. If Possible, Leverage Your Support System

Asking for help is never easy, but now is the time to call in those favours or invest in planning tools. If you’re parenting in a two-parent household and you’re both working from home, divvy up your workday. Maybe you are ‘on-call’ to help your kid in the mornings, and your partner takes over after lunch. The best support system in these times is the one that lives under your roof, so make sure you’re talking about how to effectively co-parent while your child is virtual learning.

6. But At The End, Take Care Of Yourself, Too

Your child’s education and happiness are huge priorities, but so is your own mental health and wellness. While your instinct may be to throw yourself completely into your child’s virtual school routine, don’t let your own work and personal needs suffer. Set aside time to relax, reward yourself for somehow handling it all, and make sure to find quality time to spend with your family that’s not just all about school.

7. Which postbiotics foods would you recommend?

The source of postbiotics are: – Buttermilk – Curd (dahi) – Yoghurt – Pickles – Soft cheese – Sourdough bread

The Channel 46

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