The Channel 46

DIY Tan Removing Recipes For Your Face

Warm and breezy summer days are a welcome change after bearing months of  cold and chilly weather! However, one cannot deny that this season  comes with its own set of problems, making us constantly worry about how  to remove skin tan. Sun tan removal is a major summer concern. Before  we get to effective sun tan removal remedies, here’s what you should  know about tanning.

How Does Tanning Occur? When UV rays penetrate our skin, the production of melanin (the  chemical responsible for pigmentation) is triggered. This happens  because your skin is trying to protect itself from burning after sun  exposure. The more you expose your body to the UV rays, the darker your  tanning will be.

DIY Tan Removing Recipes For Your Face

1. Honey And Lemon juice This is one of the best remedies for tan removal at home. Lemon juice  consists of bleaching properties that can do work wonders for getting  rid of suntan. Honey, on the other hand, will help keep your skin  nourished. Here’s how to remove sun tan using honey and lemon.

3. Sandalwood And Rose Water Another answer to how to remove tan from face is the highly  recommended Sandalwood face pack. Sandalwood is a miracle ingredient  that comes handy in dealing with several skin woes. It can be used to  remove tanning, brighten the skin and improve its texture.

4. Tomato And Lemon Juice Wondering how to remove tan from face at home without any fuss?  Tomatoes are one of the most commonly used home remedies for face tan! This fruit can help shield your skin from UV rays, lighten tanning,  reduce redness, repair skin damage and help restore the natural tone of  your skin.

The Channel 46

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