DIY Recipes How To Use Almond Oil For Hair

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The best way to reap the benefits of this oil is via a hot almond oil massage which can work wonders on your scalp. Curry leaves are rich in amino acids and almond oil is packed with Vitamin E. Together, they stimulate blood circulation and healthy hair growth.

1. Curry Leaves & Almond Oil For Hair Growth

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A deep conditioning mask of almond oil for hair encourages the growth of strong hair. The anti-inflammatory properties of almond oil strengthen the scalp and banish away infection.

2. Almond Oil And Yoghurt For Healthy Hair

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You’ve heard about the benefits of lemon for the skin but the hair as well? Yes, it’s true! With its clarifying properties, lemon unclogs dead cells and build-up from the scalp. When combined with almond oil, it nourishes the strands too!

3. Lemon Juice & Almond Oil For Hair Nourishment

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What’s better than one hair oil? Two, of course! Get double the benefit by combining two oils for a head massage. Regular use of almond oil can make your tresses softer, aid hair growth and strengthen hair follicles.

4. Almond Oil And Jojoba Oil To Prevent Hairfall

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Make good use of any remaining bananas by making a hair pack with them. When potassium-rich bananas combine with almond oil which is full of antioxidants, they reduce hair loss and make hair look shiny as ever.

5. Almond Oil With Banana & Honey For Shiny Hair

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