DIY Curd, Honey & Rose Face Mask For Acne


The magic ingredients are perfect for cleaning your face of dirt and excess oil (sebum), fighting acne, treating inflammations, toning the skin, & maintaining its pH balance.

Ingredients – 1 tbsp dahi – 2 tbsp rose water – 1 tsp honey – Rose petals (optional)

Method 1. Take rose water in a mixing bowl  & throw in the petals. Let this stay  for 2 minutes, so the water can  draw all the vitamins & minerals from the rose petals.

2. Next, add the curd, blend thoroughly, and sit for 2 min then, pour the honey & give the ingredients a good mix to get an even paste. (Optionally, you may remove the petals from the mixture)

3. Apply the mask evenly on your face and neck, and let it sit for 10 minutes. Rinse off the mask with lukewarm water, followed by cool water to close the open pores.