Career Advice: Tips To Handle A Difficult Boss

By: Akshita Gupta  For: Date: 17th March 2023

1. Find Out The ‘Why’ When you know what and how your boss thinks, it will be easier to adapt accordingly. So know what drives them and use it to your advantage.

2. Offer Support Supporting a bad boss might seem like a contradiction when it comes to knowing how to deal with a difficult boss. But this strategy holds a lot of power. Making your boss look bad or butting heads will yield nothing. Instead, find out their strengths and play with that. Help them deal with their weaknesses.

3. Speak Up Give your boss the opportunity to respond to your concerns by speaking up. Approach them with respect and a genuine desire to have a conversation. Do this without prejudice and this will open doors.

4. Prepare In Advance How to deal with a demanding boss is something everyone should be aware of. It can be done by anticipating their next move. A micromanaging leader should be stopped his/her tracks before it becomes a habit.

5. Say No To Bullying Stand up for yourself. Instead of cowering and staying shut, try and diffuse the situation. Keep a cool head and prepare for things to get ugly. But be prepared with your safety net and document their behaviour. It takes practice, but over a period you will get better at it. And eventually, they will go elsewhere for their power kick.

6. Be Your Own Leader An incompetent boss will push you to take the leadership role. If you see that your boss is unable to guide the team or take concrete decisions, step in. The management will notice your initiative. Keep your boss in the loop so that you don’t undermine their authority.