The Channel 46

Buzz 46: Never Heard Of Doomscrolling? Know All About It And How It Affects Your Mental Health

1. Stay Connected Digitally

Allow yourself some quality time to get on video calls with your loved ones. For those of you in relationships, connect with your partner and keep the relationship going strong with calls and video calls. With work calls, even though audio calls are fine, suggest a day or two in the week where everyone gets ready and enables the video button.

2. Stick To A Routine

Follow your dream skincare and haircare routine. Create a separate work area if you are working from home. Do not give up your daily in-house chores or activities like gardening, meditation, religious tasks.

3. Clear The Chaos

Do a Marie Kondo and clear the chaos in your house as well as your mind. Keep your living space as tidy and clean as you can. A cluttered space is an invitation to claustrophobia. Set up mental zones and stick to those for the designated activities.

4. Deal With Anxiety & Depression

Contact your therapist and ask for a session over a phone call if you can’t visit them. You can attend a group therapy session online and get some relief. Remember to reach out if you need help and have a conversation with a loved one who understands the situation.

The Channel 46

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