9 Important Tips To Help Your Kid Handle Separation Anxiety


1. Be Consistent

Follow a similar drop off ritual. For instance, sing songs on your way, play games, tell stories.


2. Create Goodbye Rituals

Always blow kisses and hug. But most importantly, keep goodbyes really short. Longer goodbyes tend to trigger anxiety.


3. Keep Your Promise

If you promise them a cookie after school, or their favourite toy or getting their sibling along, keep the promise. This will give them a reason to hold on and make the wait smoother.


4. Walk The Talk

Never underestimate the capability of a toddler to understand when you talk to them like adults. Reason the separation, tell them for how long you will be away, ask for their co-operation and then you will see it all falling into place.


5. Prepare Them In Advance

Practise being away, let them be involved in independent play (during infancy). Send them on play dates, or at grandma’s place. This helps them get the hang of the drill.


6. Love Is The Key

Make sure to tell them how loved they are, and no matter what, you will be there by their side.


7. Relaxation Therapy

Spend some quality time with your child while helping him/her relax. Deep breaths, mediation and some quiet time together also helps.


8. Avoid Over-Scheduling

Just let loose and follow the flow. Focus more on playtime, family time or downtime before going to sleep.


9. Empathise

Always appreciate the progress made and motivate them to take baby steps in the right direction.


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