8 Reasons A Dermatologist Explains How To Get Rid Of Under Eye Bags & Dark Circles


1. Deficiencies, lack of sleep and genes can cause dark circles and bags under your eyes

Dark circles can be caused by nutritional deficiencies like Anemia, lack of sleep, which can be familial, as a part of Acanthosis Nigricans (which happens due to Insulin Resistance due to bad lifestyle), less water intake (leading to dehydration of skin)


2. Getting rid of eye bags and dark circles need focused attention

Puffy eyes which are persistent all day long and are due to fat prolapse cannot go with only lifestyle changes; they need treatment like Hyaluronic Acid fillers (to camouflage the bags) or Blepharoplasty (a surgery) without which they remain the same.


3. 5 home remedies to reduce the appearance of dark circles and under-eye bags

– Putting a cucumber on the eyes is an age-old practice to rest the tired eyes – Rose water is a good refresher for eyes – Potato slices can be tried – Cold compresses – Vitamin E oil at night


4. Ageing loosens the ligaments and can cause under-eye bags and dark circles

Ageing can lead to under-eye bags because of the loosening of the ligaments beneath the eyes leading to fat prolapse. Ageing can lead to sunken eyes which look darker. This is due to receding of the orbital rim (the bones beneath the lower eyelid, the cheekbone- maxilla and zygoma, they recede with age)


5. You can tighten the skin under the eyes after 40

The patients can opt for resurfacing lasers, or ultrasound tightening. Besides this Hyaluronic Acid Fillers are a good way to fill the hollow eyes giving a whole look.


6. Some ingredients to look out for when buying products to treat the following conditions

1. Dark Circles: Kojic Acid, Vitamin A, Niacinamide, other depigmenting agents as advised by your Dermatologist according to your skin type 2. Under-Eye Bags: Vitamin k 3. Crow’s Feet: Retinols 4. Under Eye Wrinkles: Retinols


7. Changes you should implement in your diet and lifestyle to reduce dark circles and under-eye bags

– Quit smoking – Exercise regularly – Avoid excess salt – Stop processed and packaged foods which have high amounts of salt/ sodium – Stop consuming aerated drinks


8. Face creams and serums work just as well on you under eyes  

The under-eye skin is thinner than face skin so the creams are lightweight compared to face creams and have different concentrations/ strength of products compared to other facial skin. We do need to buy different under eye creams


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