5 Types Of Massages To  Try During Foreplay

Sexual Health

1. Head Massage The top of your head, over your ears and around the middle parting of your hair, is believed to be the most active or “yang” area of the human body.

2. Foot Massage For the feet, target the pressure points at the base of his toe & the point that’s one-third way down from the tip of his toes, on the souls of his feet.

3. Calf Massage Moving a little over the feet, two fingers over the ankle to be precise, are two more treasure troves that will get your partner’s juices flowing on being massaged.

4. A Belly Rub Got a furry friend at home or love  to be around them? Then you would definitely know this term.

5. Over The Crotch This is another place that is sure to set the bedroom (or wherever you are!) temperature soaring beyond imagination