5 Tips To Accessories Your Home With Cushions

1. Colour Comes First If you have warmer hues, then choose brown, yellow, or orange. For cooler ones, choose blues or purple.

2. Contrast Or Co-ordinate Don’t be afraid to go bold and contrast your colours. But to have a simple, calming, and sophisticated look, go for a well-curated and co-ordinated set.

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3. Play With Shapes Make your space fun by going for a circular cushion, a rectangular one, and other interesting shapes that you find, apart from the regular square cushion.

4. Don’t Just Judge A Cushion By Its Cover … the popular preference (for cushion fillers) is the sustainably-sourced, cruelty-free, 100% organic cotton or wool insert. Then take a look at the cover. Thread count, material, weave, and ply – the 4 pillars of great fabric.

5. Accessorise Further Add a frilly or knitted throw and co-ordinate it with either the cushions themselves or the couch. Perfect for cozying up with a cup of coffee!