5 Things Indian Dads Would Love More Than A Father’s Day Gift

LOL Edition

1. You Get Into IIT/IIM IIT/IIM nahi jaayegi toh karegi?! IIT or IIM or both is the be all and end all.

2. You Bring Him Garam Garam Chai When He Comes Back From Work Beta, chai la. Your Dad will quip the moment he returns from work and place himself on his favourite part of the couch.

3. You Wake Up Early Every Day There is hardly anything that would impress your Dad more than seeing you wake up early.

4. You Turn Off the Lights & Fan After You Leave A Room Dads seem to be in-built with this miraculous power of knowing when you’ve left the room without switching off the lights and fan.

5. You Agree To Having Your Profile On Shaadi.com Beta, shaadi kab karogi? – is his next favourite modus operandi after seeing you wake up early.