5 Symptoms Of An Underlying Gynaecological Disorder


1. Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding And Discharge

Bleeding and discharge are normal parts of your cycle, but unusual signs should be noted. If you notice bleeding between your periods, abnormal level of bleeding (either a lot or less), increased vaginal discharge, discharge having foul odour or different colour, you need to consult your doctor.


2. Problems While Urinating  

Experiencing urinary problems like burning sensation or any other pain or discomfort could be a sign of UTI (Urinary Tract infection) or even sexually transmitted disease like Syphilis or Gonorrhea.


3. Pelvic Pain  

If you experience pain in your lower abdomen or the pelvic region, you should get it examined. The dull throbbing pain could be an indication of a number of different disorders of the reproductive tract like ovarian cysts, PID (Pelvic inflammatory disease) or even appendicitis.


4. Vaginal Itching and Sores  

Itching or burning in a sensitive area like the vagina or surrounding areas (labia, clitoris etc) can not only be extremely uncomfortable but also indicate infections or sexually transmitted diseases. The itching is often paired with redness, eruptions or lumps and soreness.


5. Loss of Bladder Control  

Urinary Incontinence or loss of bladder control can be an uncomfortable and embarrassing topic to discuss. However, if you involuntarily leak urine when doing simple actions like laughing, sneezing or have a sudden urge to relieve yourself that you cannot even get to the restroom in time, it should be considered as a red flag.


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