The Channel 46

5 Criticisms Married Women Often Face

Women have long been made to feel guilty and ashamed in everyday  circumstances. Almost every facet of our way of life is geared for us to  either overthink or underplay. Society has a way of making us feel that  everything we do is wrong, from being too pushy to being too kind. Ye mat karo, wo mat karo. We live in a society that constantly dictates terms to women about kya sahi aur kya galat behaviour hai.  To punish us if we don’t adhere to their rigid and arbitrary norms, our  society has created these extraterrestrial codes of conduct for women.  As if living up to cultural ideals of an “ideal” woman were the only  goal in life for women because “log kya kahenge.”

5 Criticisms Married Women Often Face

Not Wanting To Do Household Chores Imagine this Indian household. The daughter picks up the plates and  is cleaning the table while the son idles at the sofa and watches TV.  Got it, right? Har ghar ki kahani. Almost all, if not all. It  is quite unsettling to think how the thought that household chores are  solely the wife’s job is subconsciously ingrained in her mind right from  childhood. Not because they need to be independent but rather because  they will eventually become wives.

Having Strong Opinions A woman with strong opinions is viewed as being aggressive. She is  tagged as being excessively brazen, rude, and not at all lady-like.  Since sexism permeates our society, if you had genuine opinions, people  would disregard them and disregard you. In all honesty, guys would still  prefer dealing with your direct male subordinate, even if you are the  reporting manager.

Not Wanting To Have Sex At Times How women are still struggling in India to make marital rape a crime  is extremely upsetting. Because the husband legally owns his wife’s body  and is free to do as he pleases, when he pleases. Society holds that  the concept of consent does not exist in marriages. A woman’s moral  obligation to her husband after marriage is to have sex with him, which  was once completely prohibited for her. Whether she wants to or not, she  should give it to his whims and fancies every time.

Not Being Physically “Perfect” In our culture, marriage is the centre of everything. For a man to  honour you with the distinction of being his wife, you must be stunning  and the ideal size and shape. You need to be a trophy wife, an object  that he can flaunt as his conquered treasure. The marriage certificate  serves as a stamp of relevance for women in modern society. And, oh,  let’s not even get to the obsession for fair complexion.

Drinking Maryada kahan hai? The gender narrative that believes males  to be superior beings defines our dos and don’ts. Men can drink because  “men will be men”, but virtuous women have to refrain from doing so  since it violates their sense of modesty. One had unlimited freedom on  earth simply by being a male. If you’re a lady, what then? You’d better  get in the kitchen and start cooking.

The Channel 46

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