Do you have anything to talk about when you don’t have alcohol to give you company? If not, your friendship is built on superficiality and does not have substance to stand the test of time.
Severing ties permanently is the only way ahead because you shouldn’t be nurturing a friendship that does not have a positive influence in your life. Jealousy ruins relationships. And if you notice your friend showing signs of jealousy on your success, it’s a major red flag you cannot ignore.
If your friend is cracking degrading jokes about other friends when he/she is with you, you can rest assured that he/she is doing the same with you when in the company of other friends. And that’s a negative influence you shouldn’t nurture in your life.
Healthy friendship cannot be nurtured when your friend is never there for you. Literally never. It speaks of your lack of importance in his/her life. Let’s face it. Life is hectic and none of us have the time or the headspace to listen to what’s going wrong in your friends’ lives every time something goes awry.