12 Signs You May Have A Fertility Problem & 5 Ways To Improve Your Chances Of Conception

There has been a significant global decline in fertility rates. In India, there has been a decrease of fertility by 2% as a result of the usage of contraceptives, which is a welcome trend. However, there are various other factors at play that are leading to a fertility problem in the country. Here’s your opportunity to learn more and #BeALittleMore if you want to improve your chances of conception.

What Are Fertility Problems?

If you are unable to conceive despite having regular, unprotected sex for at least 12 months, you are at risk of having fertility problems. These fertility problems may result from underlying medical conditions with either the female or male. While the biggest sign of infertility is the inability to get pregnant, there are numerous other signs and symptoms of fertility problems that you should look out for. Fortunately, one can significantly improve their chances of getting pregnant by using many safe and effective ways.

Signs That You May Have A Fertility Problem

Here are 12 signs and symptoms that may suggest fertility problems: 1. Irregular Menstrual Cycle 2. Age above 35 years 3. Overweight or underweight 4. Abnormal bleeding during periods 5. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) 6. Heavy smoking and alcohol consumption 7. Chronic illnesses like diabetes and hypothyroidism 8. Male infertility due to low sperm quantity and quality 9. Erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation 10. Cancer treatments 11. Exposure to toxic chemicals

Ways To Improve Your Chances Of Pregnancy

1. Track Your Menstrual Cycle To Know When You’re Ovulating

Did you know that there is a right time to have sex? Yes, a woman has the highest probability of getting pregnant during the ‘fertile window’ in the menstrual cycle. Ovulation, also known as the fertile window, is a period of five to six days which reflects the lifespan of sperm and the lifespan of the egg. It starts five days before a mature egg is released from an ovary, which is approximately 14 days after the first day of your period.

2. Follow A Healthy Lifestyle

In order to conceive, it is essential to maintain a healthy weight, so that it does not disrupt normal ovulation.

By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, one can stay physically, mentally and emotionally fit. In order to conceive, it is essential to maintain a healthy weight, so that it does not disrupt normal ovulation. Practicing safe sex to prevent sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea can also help prevent infertility. Some other lifestyle changes to boost fertility include quitting smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, reducing caffeine intake, and avoiding chemical substances.

3. Take Vitamins

Some important fertility nutrients to help you and your partner conceive include Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, folic acid, iodine, calcium, zinc, and iron.

Sometimes you are not able to include all the necessary vitamins and minerals in your daily diet, which is why it is necessary to consume prenatal and pregnancy vitamin supplements. Some important fertility nutrients to help you and your partner conceive include Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, folic acid, iodine, calcium, zinc, and iron. It is recommended to consult a doctor about what vitamin supplements you should take if you have an underlying medical condition like diabetes, anaemia, or a thyroid disorder.