10 Positive Ways To Deal With A Breakup


1. Accept And Cry It All Out

In moments like these, most of us take our pace at understanding how to deal with a breakup. And while you might feel the pressure along with a lot of thoughts and opinions from others, make sure to not get carried over. Put yourself into a gradual process, eat that ice-cream bucket, call your best friend, dance it out but most importantly do things that make you happy!


2. Get Closure

Getting closure is one of the most important steps of a break-up! If you are one of those who have been ditched by your partner over a mail, message or phone call, we are sorry to hear that. It definitely leaves one pondering as to how to deal with a breakup


3. Do Not Ever Feel Guilty

If there is a break-up, there shouldn’t be guilt! Carrying heavy baggage in your heart is never the way on how to cope up with breakup. Instead, believe that you gave in your best shot. Breakups happen and it is okay that it happened to you. You are allowed to feel miserable. Just do not feel victimised. Never be the victim and never feel guilty.


4. Breathe And Let It Go

For those thinking about how to deal with breakup and move on, firstly breathe! Take a deep breath and clear your mind from the constant clutter. The best way on how to deal with breakup depression is to not let the incident take over your life completely.


5. Take That Vacation

If you have been planning a solo-trip for long, this is the time to do it. Indulge in a backpacking trip by yourself. Moving out of your comfort zone will only help you heal and give you time to clear your head.


6. Self-Reflect And Work On Yourself

A breakup cannot be blamed on only one partner. Chances are that you have made multiple mistakes unknowingly, even though you are the victim of the breakup. Thus, how to cope up with breakup is when you take the time to analyse your negatives, focus on bettering yourself, forgive your partner, accept your imperfections and challenge yourself to become a better person.


7. Try To Be Friends

One of the best ways on how to deal with a breakup is by remaining friends with your ex. Unlike what people say, it is possible and a mature thing to do. More than anyone else, it is your partner who understands what you both are going through. So, do it together!


8. Be The Better Person

Break-ups can be ugly and nasty. So, be above it and make yourself the better person.  Never back-bitch your partner, do not spread rumours and do not indulge in any revenge. Instead, cherish those memories and smile often. That would definitely be the best way for how to handle a breakup.


9. Do Not Relapse, But Be Open

Getting attracted to someone after a breakup is possible but it is not the best way on how to handle a breakup! So, slow down and take your time. Be open to new relationships but be cautious. Allow yourself to heal so that the wait is worth it.


10. In The End, All Is Well

In the end, it is always better to choose yourself rather than an unhealthy or unstable relationship. Look at the brighter side, learn to walk ahead and believe that it always happens for the best.


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