10 Good Manners That You Should Teach Your Kids


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1. The Right Way To Have A Conversation

Here are a few good manners for children that you need to teach your kids when they are old enough to take part in conversations actively: – Say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ wherever necessary – Not to yell, shout or scream during a conversation

2. Asking Before Taking Things

Children should be taught to ask for things that don’t belong to them. This also means that they need to ask before taking things that belong to the parents. If a child needs to borrow something, they should know it’s important to use it wisely, keep it safe and return it on time.

3. Knocking Before Entering

This is another important part of good manners for kids that is often overlooked. A great way to ensure that your kid learns to respect other people’s privacy is by teaching them to knock before entering someone’s room.

4. Being Nice To Others

One of the most important lessons that kids need to learn early on is that they should be nice to others. They must understand it is not okay to make fun of people neither in public nor in private. 

5. Good Table Manners

Instil basic table manners in your child. Be it a regular family dinner or a big holiday meal, children should understand the importance of practising good table manners. Teach them things like chewing with their mouth closed,

6. Pointing Or Staring Is Not Cool

Teach your kids that it is rude to point or stare at people. This can act as a base for your child to help them understand and respect the emotional space of other people. Get them thinking about it by asking how they would feel if someone singles them out by pointing or staring at them.

7. Sharing Is Caring

To grow up to be compassionate human beings, a child needs to learn the importance of sharing from an early age. Start with encouraging your kids to share their toys when you play with them.

8. Being A Considerate House Guest

The child should be considerate and polite while visiting other people’s homes. While it’s okay for them to express their preferences (like when being served food), it is not okay to be a fussy guest.

9. Keeping The Space Clean

Kids are often forgetful about keeping away their toys after playing. They tend to care little about keeping back things in their allocated places after use. And of course, one can’t deny that they are messy eaters!

10. Good Hygiene

Speaking of manners for kids, one cannot overlook the importance of proper hygiene. Teach young kids to cover their mouth while coughing or sneezing. They should also learn that habits like picking one’s nose in public are not appreciated.

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