The Channel 46

10 Diagnostic Tests Women Must Get Done Before 35

Why You Should Get Tested: Whether you’re in a relationship or having casual sex, an STI/STD test is essential. It is very beneficial to know your STI status before you get sexually active. Did you know that unprotected oral sex can lead to STIs and STDs too and It is not just penetration?

1. STI/STD Test

Why You Should Get Tested: A Pap Smear is often prescribed once in 5 years, along with a human papillomavirus (HPV) screening, when you are over 25. The test can detect cervical cancer in women and also identify changes in the cervical cells that may indicate the possibility of cancer in the future.

2. PAP Smear

Why You Should Get Tested: Vitamin D deficiency is more common in women than men. The Vitamin D test is used to screen for or monitor bone disorders. It is also sometimes used to check vitamin D levels in people with chronic illnesses such as asthma, psoriasis, and certain autoimmune diseases.

3. Vitamin D Test

Why You Should Get Tested: Vitamin B12 is essential for the efficient functioning of the nerves, the production of red blood cells and protein metabolism. Low vitamin B12 can lead to constipation, fatigue, and weight loss, apart from neurological symptoms.

4. Vitamin B12 Test

Why You Should Get Tested: About 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime. However, complete remission and recovery are significantly higher if breast cancer is diagnosed at an early stage.

5. Breast Cancer Screening

Why You Should Get Tested: Iron deficiencies lead to a host of medical conditions, the most common being anaemia. According to the National Family Health Survey (2019-2020), more than half of the women and children in India are anaemic.

6. Iron Deficiency Screening

Why You Should Get Tested: Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease by about four times in women. What’s more, women are at risk of developing gestational diabetes (impaired glucose tolerance) when they’re pregnant.

7. Diabetes Screening

Why You Should Get Tested: Thyroid conditions are more common in women than men. Results below normal indicate a possibly overactive thyroid, while above-normal imply a potentially underactive thyroid.

8. Thyroid Screening

Why You Should Get Tested: Heart disease is among the leading, most preventable causes of death among women because their symptoms present very differently than in men. To check heart health, it is necessary to check your blood pressure and undergo a few blood tests.

9. Heart Health Test

Why You Should Get Tested: Metabolism is the process of how the body uses food and energy. Basic metabolic tests provide important information about the body’s chemical balance and metabolism.

10. Metabolic Marker Screening

The Channel 46

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