10 Cardio Workouts You Should Stick To If You Have Bad Knees


Lined Circle

1. Step Touches

The workout starts with simple exercises that get progressively more intense as the workout goes on. For your first move, start with step touches.

2. Low-Impact Jumping Jacks

Increase the intensity just a bit with low impact jumping jacks. You can add circle arms. Instead of taking one arm up at a time, take both arms up, circling them together like you’re drawing a rainbow in the air.

3. Hamstring Curl

Hamstring curls are another low-impact choice if you have bad knees or if high-impact activities cause you pain. Strengthening the glutes and hamstrings can help with pain in the knee joint.

4. Side Leg Lifts

Side leg lifts are a versatile exercise. This move is low-impact and you can do it any time, anywhere. You can also add a resistance band around your ankles.

5. Knee Lifts With Punches

This move does require some coordination, so give yourself a little extra time to get the move down.

6. Jumping Rope

Jumping rope may not be the gentlest cardio exercise, but when compared to running, one could argue that jumping rope is better for your joints because it takes them through a smaller range of motion.

7. Walking

Since running or jogging may not be the best option, walking (including speed walking) is a good low-impact cardio workout if you keep a brisk pace. Just be sure that you wear shoes that give you good support and that you stretch before beginning your walk.

8. Mountain Climbing

Don’t take it literally, this exercise is great for members with bad knees and low backs. When done correctly, the plank position keeps the low back and spine in a good, neutral position. By keeping your weight in your hands, stress is not placed on the knees. 

9. Seated March

This exercise targets your hip flexors and helps with walking and walking up and down the stairs.

10. Straight Leg Raises

You need no special equipment to do a straight leg raise other than space where you can lie on your back freely. From start to finish, the exercise takes around five minutes to complete and is usually performed with other complementary exercises three to four times per day.

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Lined Circle