Home Life TC46 Tarotscope: Your November 2021 Tarotscope Predictions Revealed

TC46 Tarotscope: Your November 2021 Tarotscope Predictions Revealed


Changes are vital for life to flourish and November, the Scorpios’ home, is full of them. Harness the energy of your stars and begin transformations with new alignments. Learn what this month holds for you; be it your career, relationships, health or finance. Tarot card reader Sakshi Singh is here to explain all about what the stars hold for you in the month of November.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Career: You may have recently changed jobs or tried upgrading your profile by going back to school to acquire certain skills required to outperform a job. Anticipate a raise in earning as you are now not in a learning stage but rather moving towards being an expert. You can also receive money that is owed to you. 

Health: There is an upward swing in your health, but you still need some help from a professional to bring healing. Consult an expert in case of your health concerns, don’t be your own doctor.

Love: It’s the start of a new relationship, trust your instinct as they will guide you better. You are out of sync with the normal, but it’s alright and it’s all good. In the case of love, you are breaking the conventional way and that’s completely okay if you are fine with it.

Finance: There has been a dark period in terms of finances lately and this month will be the first one after so long that you will feel happy with what you are earning. Happy that you can take care of your loved ones and move ahead in a stable way in your life rather than worrying about finances. 

Lucky Numbers: 13, 4, 31, 22

Colour: Light Blue

Advice: If you can find yourself in chaos or prefer solitude, just listen to your instinct, and find yourself.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Career: For any decision, you are making in your career, it is advised to maintain a balance while reacting emotionally or otherwise. Be fair as this situation will circle back where you will not be the decision-maker. If there is any legal matter at hand, listen to all but implement what feels right to you!

Health: If you are working on your ideal body, it will only happen over time and not immediately. Just keep working on yourself and improving and be persistent.

Love: You have planned and protected this relationship. You have done all that you could and now you feel it is moving as you thought it to be. If single, you have a picture of what your ideal partner will be and now you met the one or will be meeting this month!

Finance: You are stuck with a situation; you don’t know how to find a solution for it. The normal doesn’t apply, so trust your gut, you will be thankful to yourself later.

Lucky Numbers: 12, 3, 21

Colour: Red

Advice: Stop idealising anything in your life, it just makes things worse for you!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Career: You are currently involved with something that is linked to a social organisation, a cause or philosophy. You are loyal to this group and want to lead it. This month will give you a lot of similar opportunities to rise.

Health: This month will bring good health, lately things have been disrupted. You may meet like-minded people who will motivate you to get on track with your healthy routines.

Love: If you are in a relationship, you may be feeling a distance but this temporary feeling will soon fade away. If single, you will meet someone who is a twin flame, you will feel comfortable and loved in their company.

Finance: Embrace a new job ahead! Trust your instinct as they will guide you better. You are in a phase of getting an offer/business offer or already have one. People around you will feel that you are not taking the right decision. Believe me, listen to your instinct as it will guide you better!

Lucky Numbers: 6,24,15

Colour: Bright Yellow

Advice: You tend to be stubborn in your belief system, try something for a change and you will love exploring it.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Career: New job opportunity is coming this month; this is something that you always wanted. You always believed that an opportunity like this will change your life plan altogether, so get ready to welcome it with open arms!

Health: You are unable to fulfil your health goals, they are either impacted by your work or social life. Currently, you are busy, cards advise you to keep some time for yourself.

Love: You are trying to force a union between people who are exactly opposite, though sometimes it works well. For now, you or your partner may be feeling disconnected because neither of you is trying to understand each other. It can also be that you are trying to unite two different aspects of self to work along.

Finance: There is a woman in your life who gives excellent advice on finances. Please listen to her in terms of investments or dealing with money as she is practical and wants money to produce results rather than being invested at low returns.

Lucky Numbers: 4, 13, 22, 31 

Colour: Purple

Advice: This month try prioritising yourself over anyone or anything else.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Career: The current state of things in your job is making you feel stagnant and frustrated. You are waiting for things to happen, but you are blocking yourself from a change that is evident. It is advised that you change your immediate environment, which may involve meeting new people or making new associations. Something very important is coming soon.

Health: Good health during this month, rather than recovering from a recent illness. You will have people help you with health concerns and you will find it rather surprising that you are coincidentally meeting people who are helping you in this.

Love: You are going through a difficult phase; you may have experienced a loss or separation. This is a time to take a break and understand your needs and yourself in a better way. This love changed you a lot and now you need to go back to your true self.

Finance: There is a difference in opinion when it comes to finances. You may be thinking of investing in a certain way, but the other party doesn’t really resonate with the same. You are forcing your decisions on others and it is not helping anyone, don’t be surprised if the other party doesn’t invite you for the final decision. 

Lucky Numbers: 2,11,20

Colour: Green

Advice: Try listening and taking advice rather than giving one.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Career: There is a change in job/business, and you are not embracing it! It may be contradicting with your belief system/lifestyle/philosophy. It’s no harm to explore something different. Take that job or business opportunity! 

Health: Your attitude toward how a healthy lifestyle should be, is different, you don’t really go with the normal. For this month, you may be trying to attune yourself to your highest. You may be working it through different practises like meditation, energy healing etc. 

Love: It’s the start of a new relationship or a new phase of your existing relationship. You are out of sync with the normal, but it’s alright and it’s all good. In the case of love, you are breaking the conventional way and that’s completely okay if you and your partner are happy!

Finance: Your finances are in good shape, and you are in a happy environment with the people in your life. The place where you are in terms of finances has been one of the most important steps in your life and now you have achieved it. This month is about celebrating success.

Lucky Numbers: 5, 14, 23

Colour: White

Advice: Appreciate the achievements and you tend to just overwork yourself all the time.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Career: You have two job offers or business opportunities, and they will be presented to you this month. This is not the right time to make the change rather continue as it is, as the current situation will be much better than any new change. Pay attention to your dreams as they may give you hints on how to move forward. Try starting a dream journal, it gives a lot of insight into what you subconsciously desire.

Health: A lot of external circumstances are going to affect your health, so take care of places you visit and people you meet and exercise precautions.  

Love: You need to let go of the past to make room for new. You have pictured your ideal partner and that may not be applicable with the situation you are currently facing in your love life. You might have met someone who doesn’t fit your description of a partner. What if the description doesn’t apply because you pictured it while someone else is in the frame? Try getting out of the previous connection to make room for this one!

Finance: There is a windfall gain/unexpected money is coming your way. There is no deception, pure joy! Money can also come in the shape of promotion, inheritance.

Lucky Numbers: 6, 15, 24

Colour: Baby Pink

Advice: It takes a lot of you to change in any aspect of your life, but change is good!

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Career: You are not happy with what is currently happening in your job, you feel people are being disrespectful or you may be having a tough time with your peer group or management. The problem is not them, it’s you! Sorry but you must change your attitude, and everything will be back to normal. If that’s hard, choose to move and choose something which brings you happiness.

Health: There are certain health concerns and you believed that a particular remedy would work. Honestly, stop being your own doctor and address the concern with an expert. If an exercise routine doesn’t work, you can’t just keep on doing it. Change the way you exercise, there are many options that you can explore, don’t be stubborn and get an injury.

Love: You are blessed to have a loving and caring partner by your side, you may think of taking the next steps now. It’s a good time to propose/marry the one for you. If married, it’s time for you to enjoy all the things you both have together. 

Finance: You have been presented with a lot of choices and you are just moving in your imagination as to how each choice will turn out. It’s time to make a decision or make that choice which appeals the most, as daydreaming of what can happen in future will not help.

Lucky Numbers: 7, 16, 25

Colour: Indigo

Advice: Sometimes it’s better to listen to the other party or a change in opinion, it just adds to a new understanding.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Career: You are resisting the change that you know should happen, maybe it’s a toxic work environment or maybe you are just not happy. Look for opportunities in job and business, you don’t need to be stuck where you are not happy or growing!

Health: You are trying to make something happen prematurely or you are holding too tightly. If you have not been well, it’s time to understand that recovery takes time. You need to loosen up and rest and trust the process.

Love: There is a woman in your life, maybe a Leo or someone who has similar traits, take her advice in terms of love/relationship. It’s also a good time to take the next step in your relationship. The decision will be from both parties, so stay open-minded and flexible so that you can arrive at a decision quickly. 

Finance: You are in a state where you are happy with your finances and can support your family. Your focus is more on your family and bringing them happiness through material things. You may also be planning on buying or building a new home, it’s a good time to start looking for one.

Lucky Numbers: 8, 17, 26

Colour: Brown

Advice: Let things flow naturally to you, don’t force decisions. Be patient.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Career: There are certain changes or that you will have to make a lot of adjustments that you hadn’t planned on. You may need to put in additional efforts to produce positive results in your area of work. There is a difference in opinion, the other party doesn’t feel the same way as you, start reading the signs. It is time to explore effective ways to express yourself.

Health: There is an unwanted or unpleasant movement such as transferred across the country. There can also be a situation in your love life as you are expecting a lot and that stress of wanting things to happen is affecting your body and mind. When you are not comfortable it reflects on your body, so prioritize yourself and give yourself the much-deserved rest.

Love: Your unhappiness about your relationship is your choice, your attitude. You can always change your attitude or choose to let go! If you are in a relationship, this might be easier said than done but you need to move away from something which is not bringing happiness. 

Finance: You have had a wake-up call on your finances and you are working on taking the necessary steps. The past month or year have just been too tight on finance but moving forward you will be in control of the same and will start generating income from other sources too.

Lucky Numbers: 9, 18,27

Colour: Peach

Advice: You tend to not appreciate little things in life as you are always busy working. Enjoy a little!

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Career: It’s not a good time to change, you are not ready internally to take this step. Be patient as there is no sense in rushing things prematurely, let offers/opportunities flow naturally to you.

Health: Lately you may be feeling that you are unable to focus on your health and that’s making you irritated. Cards advise you to focus on your mental health first rather than physical, try meditation or sound therapy.

Love: You will meet someone who is an adventure lover and practical like you this month, take time to access this person in your life. You might need someone who is the opposite, for you are someone who likes to be different.

Finance: You are going through a difficult phase; you may have experienced a loss. This may have changed your flow of income in a major way. There is a legal matter as well to be taken care of, advice is to keep the papers ready as you might need them soon.

Lucky Numbers: 8, 17, 26

Colour: Sage Green

Advice: Take time to arrive at a decision. 

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Career: You may be in the middle of changing jobs; this change is difficult as you loved being part of the former organization or venture. It’s time to take a break and prepare yourself for the new opportunity!

Health: You are someone who likes routine and lately that has been difficult given certain circumstances. This is the time you need to yourself, do things which come easy to you rather than effort.

Love: This is a time for celebration as you have recently faced a union or planned your family. This is the time to cherish all the beautiful moments and times, you and your partner are feeling blessed. 

Finance: You may have invested a lot of time and effort into a particular venture and its yielding results. It’s time for you to sit back and relax and look at all the hard work coming to fruition.

Lucky Numbers: 7, 16,25

Colour: Sea Blue

Advice: Take a break when you need it, don’t stress about it.



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