With the New Year dawning upon us, we all make promises to ourselves to be better, change our habits and ways, but how often are we able to stick to those goals or resolutions?
Here are six ways to increase your productivity:
1. Wake Up Early

Most successful entrepreneurs swear by this daily ritual and not without reason. Waking up early gives you a few more hours in the day to dedicate to yourself and also helps in organising and planning your day. It is a great time to exercise, have a healthy breakfast and get those endorphins flowing for an energetic and happy day.
2. Set An Intention
This is an often-overlooked habit but setting an intention for your day ensures that your mind is free of the clutter of worry and anxiety that plagues us. Take up a simple mindfulness exercise that you are comfortable with. Starting or practicing yoga is also a great way to lend nimbleness and agility to your body, mind, and soul. Tune into a thought, mantra, or word that makes you feel productive, nourished, and ready to take on the day ahead.
3. Categorise And Prioritise Work
Once the work on yourself is done and you are on high alert, a great way to get the most out of your day is by doing the largest or most challenging task first. The emotion of accomplishment will empower you to take on more tasks as the day goes by. Avoid multitasking even though it may be many small tasks. Focus on the task at hand and power through!
4. Separate Work-Space From Your Chill-Space
Now that most of us have adopted the work-from-home model, it is challenging to set up a space dedicated to downtime and unwinding. Chill space can be as minimal as a small corner with a chair that allows a change of scene from the screens we constantly look at. This will do wonders for your mental health and leave you charged up for any task that lay ahead.
5. Take A Break
Breaks have often looked at slacking off rather than taking a moment to recharge your mental and emotional batteries. It is essential to get up from your workstation, stretch out your limbs and shake off the work blues. A good five to ten-minute suspension from all things stressful will allow a fresher perspective and should be made part of your daily routine. You’ve earned it!
6. Celebrate The Little Things
We are so used to berating ourselves; more so when things go awry or not in our favor. We panic, vent and get emotionally cut up and swear to do things differently. We all have those hopeless and helpless moments in our day. While lessons are vital to learn and grow; it is just as important to maintain an equilibrium within ourselves. Toast the small progress and congratulate yourself for the larger achievements. This also makes it easier to be compassionate and empathise with others who might be in a similar situation.