Home Health Fitness 5 Yoga Asanas For Better Breast Health

5 Yoga Asanas For Better Breast Health


Breasts are one of those organs that nurture life. It’s what makes a woman, a woman. And yet, it remains one of the most ignored parts of our bodies. Other than superficial and cosmetic appearances, we don’t really give it the care and attention that it needs for its good health. Hence, the month of October of every year is commemorated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month to highlight the importance of healthy breasts.

In collaboration with The Channel 46, Nikita Agrawal, Founder of Isira Yoga, lists 5 yoga asanas that you should practice to improve your breast health.

1. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Instructions to reach the pose

  • Sit on your knees, legs hip-width apart. 
  • Push your hips forward, inhale and expand your chest, keep your core engaged and move backwards.
  • Drop your shoulders back and place your palms on your heels.
  • Let your head and neck extend backwards.
  • Stay in this pose for 30 to 60 seconds and gently release.


  • Avoid practising this asana if you have low or high BP
  • People with back or neck injury should also not do this pose.

2. Vasisthasana (Side Plank)

Instructions to reach the pose

  • Come into a plank pose.
  • Bring your feet together and roll your body to the right.
  • Stack your left foot on top of your right foot.
  • Extend your left arm up.
  • Bring your body in one straight line.
  • Repeat on the other side.


  • This pose should not be done if you have an arm, shoulder or wrist injury.

3. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Instructions to reach the pose

  • Lie down on your stomach with your hands beside your ribs and toes pressed on the mat.
  • Inhale and lightly use your hands to lift your head and chest.
  • Slightly bend your elbows, relax and roll your shoulders back and down.
  • Arch your neck and look upward gently.
  • Breathe normally while holding the posture.
  • To release the posture gently drop your chest on the floor.


Individuals with any of the following should refrain from doing this pose.

  • Spondylitis
  • Avoid during pregnancy
  • Severe asthma
  • Back injury

4. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Instructions to reach the pose

  • Lie on the ground (on stomach) facing downwards.
  • Bend your legs backwards and catch the ankles with the hands
  • Lift your chest and thighs off the mat and come up on your navel.
  • Breathe normally while holding the posture.
  • To release, exhale slowly and come back to the starting position.


Individuals with any of the following should refrain from doing this pose.

  • Spondylitis
  • Back or neck injury
  • Hernia

5. Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)

Instructions to reach the pose

  • Lie down on your back and keep your feet apart and the soles of your feet on the mat.
  • Inhale, press your palms into the mat and lift your hips and chest off the mat. Straighten your arms.
  • Turn your upper thighs slightly inwards.
  • Lengthen your tailbone towards the back of your knees.
  • Draw your elbows towards one another.
  • Stay in this position for 30 seconds.


  • Weak wrists
  • Arm, shoulder or wrist injury
  • Avoid during pregnancy
  • Do not directly jump into the posture without practising preparatory asanas.

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