Home Health Fitness 5 Yoga Asanas For Healthier & Jawaan-Looking Skin

5 Yoga Asanas For Healthier & Jawaan-Looking Skin


Jin jin ko pata nahi hai, your skin is the largest organ of your body. It needs TLC as much as the other parts of your body to keep it healthy, bright, and taut. Hence, your daily routine needs more than a carefully planned skin care regimen. That’s where fitness and a well-balanced diet come in handy. And yoga is a versatile form of fitness with its roots deep in our rich Indian culture. Yoga has an answer for every part of the human body, and your skin is definitely one of them.

In collaboration with The Channel 46, Nikita Agrawal, Founder of Isira Yoga, takes you through 5 yoga asanas that are perfect for getting that glow on your skin, along with each of their benefits and cautions you need to follow while performing them.

1. Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana (Revolved Head To Knee Pose)

5 Yoga Asanas For Healthier Looking Twacha

Instructions to reach the pose

  1. Sit on your mat and extend your legs.
  2.  Bend your left knee inwards and draw your left heel towards the perineum.
  3.  Inhale, lengthen your spine, raise your left arm over your head and rotate your upper body towards the right.
  4. Exhale and bend towards your right bringing the right arm towards the inside of the thigh. Keep the right elbow to the floor and clasp your toe with your thumb.
  5.  Bend further to reach the right foot with the left hand.
  6.  Twist, open the chest and look up to the ceiling.
  7. Breathe normally while holding the posture.
  8.  Release the posture and repeat on the other side.
  9.  Repeat the steps by switching the legs.


  •  Avoid in situations with chronic injury to hips, knees, back or shoulders.
  •  Avoid during pregnancy.


  • Maintains spine strength and flexibility. Your skin is as old as your spine is. Keep it young.
  • Calming and energising and brings radiance to the skin.
  • Relieves headaches and eases neck pain.
  • Improves digestion, which overall improves the gut for good skin.

Read: 4-Step Guide For Performing Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (& 11 Of Its Benefits)

2. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Instructions to reach the pose

  1. Kneel on the floor, with your heels hip-width apart. Sole of feet facing the ceiling.
  2. Inhale, engage your core and arch back, take your arms back one by one and place your palms respectively on the heels of your feet.
  3. Let your head and next move backwards
  4. Breathe normally while holding the posture.
  5. To release the posture, bring your chin to your chest, support your hips with your palms and slowly come back up to your knees.


  • Severe back and neck problem 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Migraine 


  • Improves posture.
  • Improves spine flexibility while strengthening it.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Reduces abdomen fat.
  • Helps the thyroid and parathyroid glands function.
  • It opens the rib cage and increases lung capacity for inhaling more oxygen.
  • Reduces stress and balances hormones in the body that are responsible for acne and pimple outbursts.
  • Inhaling fully with an open chest will improve skin as it is getting well-oxygenated.

3. Ardha Matsyendraasana (Seated Twist Pose)

Instructions to reach the pose

  1. Sit cross-legged on a mat 
  2. Lift your right knee and place its sole on the mat outside your left knee.
  3. Inhale and raise your left hand to the ceiling stretching it up, exhale and bring your left elbow down to the outside of your right knee while twisting your torso to the right side from the base of your spine.
  4. Place your right hand on the mat behind your hips for support or if comfortable wrap it around your waist, and turn your head to the right looking past your right shoulder.
  5. Keep shoulders in one line.
  6. Breathe normally while holding the posture
  7. To release slowly unwind and repeat on the other side.


  • Listen to your body, and twist accordingly
  • Don’t strain your neck
  • Avoid during pregnancy 


  • Keeps the spine agile
  • Releases tension in lower back muscles
  • Improves digestion
  • Promotes healthy skin by removing toxins 
  • Massages intestines and abdomen squeezing them thereby clearing the body of waste leading to healthy skin

Read: 6 Yoga Asanas To Spice Up Your Sex Life

4. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

Instructions to reach the pose

  1. Lie on your back with hands on the side
  2. Draw the feet close to the hips then exhale and push your thighs to your core
  3. Support your back with your palms
  4. Lift the lower part of the body vertically, feet away from the head
  5. Draw your elbows towards each other
  6. Bring your thighs in line with your torso
  7. Bring chin to chest 
  8. Breathe normally while holding the posture.
  9. To release the posture continue using your palms to support the back and slowly and carefully lower the hips to the mat 


  • High blood pressure
  • Neck injury
  • Spinal ailment 
  • Heart problems


  • Relieves backache
  • Eases constipation 
  • Most effective for a glowing skin
  • Helps in improving skin texture and quality by promoting blood circulation towards the face
  • Regular practice helps in getting rid of acne, wrinkles and dullness

5. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Instructions to reach the pose

  1. Lie down on your stomach with your hands beside your ribs and toes pressed on the mat
  2. Inhale and lightly using your hands lift your head and chest 
  3. Slightly bend your elbows, relax and roll your shoulders back and down
  4. Arch your neck and look upward gently
  5. Breathe normally while holding the posture.
  6. To release the posture gently drop your chest on the floor. 


  • Spondylitis 
  • During pregnancy
  • Severe asthma 
  • Back injury


  • Boosts confidence
  • Improves posture
  • Keeps the spine strong and agile
  • Improves digestion
  • Brings radiance to the skin with increased blood circulation
  • Rejuvenates skin by supplying extra oxygen to the skin cells which in turn flushes out your accumulated toxins. 

Here are 5 yoga asanas that are a Holy Grail for healthy, youthful-looking skin that glows from within. Practise them everyday and make them a part of your daily fitness routine for healthier looking skin, apart from benefiting other parts of your body as well.

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