Category: Work

Vocal For Local: Women-Led Fashion Ventures We’re Cheering On

In our support of Vocal for Local, this week we’re cheering on three brands led by inspiring women entrepreneurs.

Everything You Need To Know About The Field Of Telecommuting

Stuck at home and worried about job opportunities? You can opt for working from home and we’ve got you covered for all the information required.

Self-Starter: How Gauri Nayar & Reyna Jagtiani Are Renewing The World Of PR, Marketing & Communications

PR was, until a few years ago, placed upon a pedestal where it functioned alone, without a connection to other forms of marketing. Reyna Jagtiani and Gauri Nayar of Twain Communications brought a fresh wave with their work and impressive clientele.

Buzz 46: 5 Digital Platforms That Offer Entrepreneurial & Economical Independence To Indian Women

Indian women's individual economic advancement is no longer a distant dream. With the emergence of digital platforms, women entrepreneurs are seeing a rise in much-needed financial independence.

Vocal For Local: Women-Led Art & Fashion Ventures That Deserve Your Support

In our support of Vocal for Local, this week we’re cheering on three brands led by inspiring women entrepreneurs.

A Comprehensive Guide To Customer Retention For Women Entrepreneurs

Customers are people and people love to feel appreciated. Grow your business in leaps and bounds by investing in a solid customer retention plan.

Self-Starters: How Ankita & Gayatri Bansal Built A Made In India Denim Brand

The sister duo talked to TC46 about what it means to be in the fashion business in India, and how you can compete in the cluttered market of denim wear.

Vocal For Local: 3 Children-Focused Businesses By Enterprising Women

In our support of Vocal for Local, this week we’re cheering on three brands led by inspiring women entrepreneurs.

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